Revisiting Biblical Historical Facts: Understanding The Difference Between Ethnic Jews(Israelites) & Religious Jews According To The Torah.


Correcting misinformation turned tradition, in Western civilization, a summary of my two books (The Way, the Prophetic Messianic Voice & Developing & Establishing Effective Leadership.
By Dr. Rabbi Cohen Shalomim Y. HaLahawi OMD, NMD, Ph.D., PsyD, MRbs, DPH, DFM
Ha’ Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad Inc.
Mizrahi Ethiopian Jewish Int’l Rabbinical Council.
Cushite Hebrew Yeshiva-Open Int’l University

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Related Article:
1. Understanding the Oral Torah of Adonai YHWH vs The Post Exilic Oral Torah. Essene(Enochic) Judaism vs Pharisaical Judaism. A Study Guide – Mizahi Ethiopian Jewish Int’l Rabbinical Council

2. Prophetic Law: An introductory summary of the various types of Law established in the Torah (A prequel to Understanding the Oral Torah of Adonai YHWH vs Post Exilic Oral Torah Study Guide) – Mizahi Ethiopian Jewish Int’l Rabbinical Council

These are some learning points, as explained in detail in my books, “The Way, the prophetic messianic voice” & “Developing & Establishing Effective Leadership”, that serve scholastic foundations of Biblical history from a Mizrahi(Eastern) & Essene Jewish understanding. As a Rabbi-Cohen of the Ha’ Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad & Levitical Socio-Spiritual Political Leader, as well as a prophetic priestly voice, anointed by Yahwah Elah, to speak according to the Ruwah HaQodesh & the knowledge & wisdom bestowed upon me from 40 years of learning both at the ethnic cultural and family level, as well as the Yeshiva academic level, it is my duty and responsibility to protect the facts and truths of our heritage and expose misinformation that wrongly represents ancient Hebrew knowledge, regardless of who has taught it, even amongst the Ashkenazi Rabbinic’s, whose traditions frequently contradict and undermine the Torah, in the same manner as Christianity and its writings have done to the deceit and detriment of mankind.

Malaki 2:7 “For the lips of a priest should guard knowledge, and they seek the Torah from his mouth, for he is the messenger of יהוה of hosts.

I want to also make this clear. At no time is it acceptable for foreign nations, peoples, and so-called academians, to use white culture, foreign culture & foreign languages to dictate the traditions, history, and knowledge of our peoples. We are not measured by the standards of ancient Rome or Greece. Furthermore, Latin is not a standard to deal with the languages of our ancestors. Comparison between Hebrew culture and other Near Eastern cultures is obviously beneficial to gain more insight and context into 4000 years of our traditions, yet our evolution into what we define for ourselves and about ourselves is the most important to us. No one has any authority or legitimacy to define and interpret the traditions of our people than we ourselves. The Church, Black Nationalists, White religionists & Euro-gentile scholars have no legitimacy in the absence of the very people who are ethnically, culturally, genetically, and spiritually tied to the ancient culture of Israel. We do not care about the sectarian beliefs of Gentiles nor what one may want to forge upon their own identity(i.e. African American Hebrew Israelites) in contradiction to the very simple foundations of science, genetics, history & basic common sense, as it relates to our peoples, our knowledge, our culture, identity, and our experience.

We only acknowledge & respect those who come through the gates of our culture, the 3 official cultures of Israel/Judaism, being Mizrahi, Sephardi, or Ashkenazi, and who sincerely seek to join themselves with us & sojourn amongst us. The separatist religion, teachings, worship, and traditions of foreigners who are not originally from our peoples and cultures, but who think they ought to have a voice of legitimacy while not sojourning amongst us and with us, is mute & it’s non-negotiable. If you have any toxic, ignorant notions about Judaism, and do not seek to embrace what we have defined for our peoples, then please exit, as we will not tolerate anti-semites cloaked in tassels with Torahs.

Regarding Ashkenazi Rabbinical Judaism as it relates to who we are & who does & doesn’t speak for us
As for Ashkenazi Rabbinical Judaism, we welcome such Jews and embrace them as our very own brothers and sisters. However, we make it clear that at no point in history or time will we ever accept the superiority attitude of Ashkenazi’s. Ashkenazi Judaism does not have a monopoly on Judaism nor the Ethnic Jewish experience, and they have no right to act as if they speak for all Jews, except for themselves. We will not embrace anyone amongst them that does not embrace us as equals in the worship and expression of the heritage of ancient Israel. We will not be dictated to nor bullied by Zionist rhetoric & we will not allow White Jews to hog & misrepresent the concepts of anti-semitism as if it applies only to them because of the color of their skin at our expense or the expense of Arabs and Persians who themselves are also Semites, descendants of Shem. We make it clear that marginalizing Mizrahi, Sephardi, and Ethiopian Jews of color is an extreme form of Anti-Shemitism, and inflicting apartheid and discrimination against our Palestinian/Arab brothers and sisters is also a nasty, wicked, extreme form of Anti-Shemitism. We speak for ourselves and our voices will be heard around the world & will not be intimidated nor silenced by any White Supremacy groups, Jew or gentile, who think that people of color are their property or are inferior. Mizrahi, Ethiopian & Sephardi Jews are no one’s property except we belong to Adonai Yahwah Elah.

Our simple sincere approach to speaking with authority regarding the Torah that represents our heritage as Ethnic Jews(Israelites)

Also please note that this article is about teaching the facts and truth of the Torah & correcting misinformation. Our rebuttal of Ashkenazi Jewish traditions and teachings in no way means we are anti-Ashkenazi or anti-Rabbinical Judaism because we are not. We are simply not Rabbinical nor is Rabbinical Judaism an absolute authority over all Jews, and we are not for #Zionism, politically speaking, in its current form, but will always forever be Pro-Israel/Judaism, just as we are pro-Palestine, Pro-Arab, Pro-Persian and Pro-Islam, because they are our relatives and we are supposed to be pro-family even when it’s broken. As with the ancient Hebrew Prophets of Israelite culture, we prophetically fight, as anointed representatives of Yahwah Elah, to fix what is broken, not to destroy those who are of our bloodlines and common ancestry. Our stance in challenging the traditions of Rabbinical Judaism and Zionism is about fulfilling what Elah said unto Jeremiah regarding the prophetic voice in how it is to deal with the erroneous traditions & ideologies that may crop up in Israel,

*/)/Jeremiah 1:10 “See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the reigns, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.”

This is the of Prophetic Judaism, which is expressed out of love & care for the overall spiritual, cultural & mental well-being of all Israel in our relationship to Yahwah. We respect Rabbinical Judaism and we support Rabbinical Judaism as they have contributed to and preserved much valuable knowledge of ancient and modern Judaism & Hebrew culture. They are forever our brothers and sisters and we will always offer them the right hand of Familyship.

With that being said, this is a summary lesson of the rich knowledge that is found within our books, teachings, and publishings. Its intent is to challenge Western misinformation and establish objective truth and fact about ancient Hebrew writings in our library called the Bible/Tenakh

Let those who have a heart and spirit to hear and understand, hear the words that I write.


Fact: The myth of the 3 races are not of the Torah

  • Ham, Shem and Japeth were not 3 separate races nor are they the forefathers of the 3 races of European, Asian & African. They all had the same Father and Mother named Emzara as explained in the Book of Moses aka Book of Jubilees. All of them are of the Asian race, but some of their descendants intermixed with other races.

Jubilees 4:33, *And in the twenty-fifth jubilee Noah took to himself a wife, and her name was ’Ĕmzârâ, the daughter of Râkê’êl, the daughter of his father’s brother, *in the first year in the fifth week: and in the third year thereof she bare him Shem, *in the fifth year thereof she bare him Ham, and in the first year in the sixth week she bare him Japheth. *[1]

Thus, Ham has nothing to do with Indigenous Africans of the Negroid Race. Cush did not originate in Africa, they originated in Asia, even as Josephus makes clear and why we have Asian mountains called Hindu Cush. Cushites are Not Negroid(Sub-Saharan African) in origin, they just established a colony in North East Africa during when India was considered the entire area of India, Pakistan, Iran, the entire Middle East and ended at Ethiopia in North Africa.
This is mentioned in detail by Josephus and Philo and stated in

Ester 1:1 And it came to be in the days of Aḥashwĕrosh – he is the Aḥashwĕrosh who reigned from India to Kush, a hundred and twenty-seven provinces –

  • Shem. Ham & Japeth are all brothers, thus any “Biological” children are cousins of each other. Japeth, like Ham are the uncles of Shem’s children. However, those peoples & nations where they went and dwelt and of whom they influenced and whom later adopted their particular cultures, being from the Adamic family line(not all humans are descendants of Adam & Chawwah), are not biological descendants from them. Thus,
  • Shemites have nothing to do with the majority of Ashkenazi Jews Ethnic & tribal wise(that is self-explanatory in and of itself). Shemite a Noahide tribe & ethnic identity & Ashkenazi is also a seperate Tribe and Ethnic Identity, both tribal cultures of Asiatic origins, “originally”.

    Genesis 10:2 The sons of Yepheth: Gomer, and Maḡoḡ, and Maḏai, and Yawan, and Tuḇal, and Mesheḵ, and Tiras. Gen 10:3 And the sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Toḡarmah. Gen 10:4 And the sons of Yawan: Elishah and Tarshish, Kittim and Doḏanim. “
  • Japethites had nothing to do with Indigenous Europeans until they later intermixed with them & Europeans adopted their cultures, later out-numbering them, in a similar fashion of how Idumeans(a Hebrew tribe) under the Hasmoneons adopted Judean(Israelite) culture & customs & they out-numbered them, particularly via the Pharisaical branch of Judaism, making Ethnic Israelites a minority.. In fact, as Josephus documented, Idumean(Edomite) became synonymous with Jew(Judean), especially when he spoke of King Herod, an Ethnic Idumean who was a Jew of the Pharisaical sect.
  • Gentiles who later adopted Hebrew(not solely Israelite) customs, via national conversions, occurred after coming into contact with the post-Pharisiacal sect, called Rabbinical Judaism, that as documented consisted of peoples of multi-Hebrew ethnicities(Edomite, Ishmaelite & Israelite. i.e. Moses Maimonides was an Arab-Jew), and of whom are specifically distinguished from Essenes/Osseans, who were Ethnic Israelite/Jewish by birth.
  • The most popular & first-national conversion occurred via the Khazarian Empire, resulting in numerous Europeans gentiles adopting Rabbinical Judaism. To facilitate these conversions and provide leaders and teachers, some Ethnic Jews did migrate to and dwell amongst the Europeans, resulting in many being bred out via intermarriage with the new converts, due to Rabbinical Judaism having a religious policy of Jewish identity that differed from the Torah teachings on Ethnic Israelite identity, making Ethnic Hebrews vulnerable to inter-marriage than normally accepted.
  • Genetics does connect some Ashkenazi Jews to Ethnic Israelite bloodlines, such as the Cohenim(priests) genes found amongst them that are identical to Mizrahi Jewish Ethnic Priests, such as the Lemba of South Africa.57. The genetic patterns of these Ethnic Jews match the period of Hebrew migratory splits, where some seperated and migrated to Europe for Judaism proseltyizng purposes.
    Ashkenazi’s, both gentile converts and Ethnic Jews, make up about 15% of global Judaism. The other two Ethnic Israelite peoples, actual seeds of Abraham, make up 85%. Mizrahi(NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE HERESY MIZRACHI RELIGIOUS ZIONIST ENTITY) being 55-60% of Ethnic Jews/Israelites, and Sephardi making up 20-25%. Out of that 15% of Ashkenazi, around 75-80% are descendants of converts, and the much smaller percentage are actual descendants of Abraham, such as the Coheninim from the tribe of Lahawi(Lewy)
  • Shemites, Jepathites and Hamites are all Asiatic peoples, descendants of Adam, who was of the Asiatic race, that was born in the Land of Elda and taken to dwell in the Garden East of Aden. Our biological system and racial identity are not determined by skin tone(no geographical regional dwelling), but by blood type and DNA. Adam, Enoch & Noah and all of Noahs children would originally be of 0 blood, not A or B blood. A-blooded peoples are of the European Race, while B blood people are of the African/Negroid Race. Thus any Ashkenazi Jew that is Ethnic Hebrew would be O blood & would have similar DNA as Arabs/Ishmaelites and other Ethnic Jews of the Mizrahi and Sephardi communities of Israelite peoples.

    Read Article:
    1. DNA Backs a Tribe’s Tradition Of Early Descent From the Jews – The New York Times (
    2. Jewish Genetics, Part 2: Cohens and Levites (kohen, cohen, levite DNA) (
    3. – History of Jewish Khazars, Khazar Turk, Khazarian Jews
    4. 13th Tribe (

    THE FINAL QUESTION ANSWERED: How to determine an Ethnic Hebrew from a religious Jewish convert the proper biblical way as opposed to Ashkenazi Rabbinic ways
  • Ashkenazi Judaism, unlike Mizrahi Judaism, teaches that a Jew is one who’s mother is Jewish or one who converts to Judaism. Yet, the fact of the matter is that one cannot convert to an Ethnicity or bloodline. A Leopard cannot change its skin. Ashkenazi’s have several notable branches of religious denominations of historic Rabbinical Judaism: So-called Orthodox, Conservative & Reformed, none of which are found in Hebrew scriptures or in any aspect of Hebrew history beyond the past few hundred years. Thus, Ashkenazi’s operate on a religion basis, not a Middle Eastern Hebrew bloodline basis. In fact, the Torah makes it clear, via genealogy, that an Ethnic Jew aka Israelite is determined by his fathers blood line. There is not one instance of a blood line traced in the Tenakh through a Hebrew woman. The Torah in fact, make’s it clear that if the mother is Hebrew & the father a gentile, such as an Egyptian, then the child is a Quasi-Hebrew/Half-Hebrew & his blood line and inheritance is according to his fathers Tribe, not his mothers. Thus he is whatever Ethnicity his father is.

Leviticus 24:10  And the son of an Yisra’ĕlite woman, whose father was a Mitsrite, went out among the children of Yisra’ĕl. And the Yisra’ĕlite woman’s son and a man of Yisra’ĕl strove in the camp.

Lev 24:11  And the Yisra’ĕlite woman’s son blasphemed the Name, and cursed. So they brought him to Mosheh. Now his mother’s name was Shelomith the daughter of Diḇri, of the tribe of Dan.

Here we clearly see, according to tradition, the difference between an Israelite man & the son of an Israelite woman, whose father was Egyptian. It’s specifically mentioned this way because the one whose father was an Egyptian is quasi, whose roots are that of a gentile, while the other is full-blooded, meaning he has both a Hebrew father and Hebrew mother.
Furthermore, the original Chaldean makes it clear that he went out from his camp into the midst of Israelites, where he wasn’t supposed to be, because he didn’t like the fact that he had to live in his father’s house & not with his mother, considering she was widowed as his father is said to have been killed by the Taskmaster in Egypt who also injured his mother, and of whom Moses killed. So his anger caused him to violate Torah rules of inheritance, leading to the fight between him & the Israelite man, as according to Torah law, everyone could only camp within his father’s0 home, not the mother.

Numbers 2:1  And יהוה spoke to Mosheh and to Aharon, saying, Num 2:2  “The children of Yisra’ĕl are to camp, each one by his own banner, beside the sign of his father’s house. Let them camp around the Tent of Meeting at a distance.”

The Abrahamic Delima of first born according to ethnic & spiritual inheritance

At the same time, we see an instance with Abraham & the birthright of Ishmael vs Isaac. Isaac was given the right of the firstborn, even though Ishmael was the legitimate firstborn son of Abraham, and is in fact a Hebrew just like his father. Why didn’t Abraham nor Elah acknowledge Ishmael as the firstborn, and gave it to Isaac? Because Ishmael’s mother, Hagar, was ethnically Egyptian( this is a reverse case of the Son of an Egyptian father while having a Hebrew mother). Sarah, the wife of Abraham & mother of Isaac, on the other hand, was also the niece of Abraham, making Isaac full blooded via both his mother and father. Both Isaac and Ishmael are Ethnic Hebrew, however, the issue with the mother was directly related to what spiritual & cultural traditions were her primary upbringing. Thus, while Ishmael is ethnically a Hebrew, his mother, being the primary teacher during his tender years, where children get their foundations from, would have tainted him with her original Egyptian upbringing, in addition to the fact that he got his milk, the nourishment of his soul from a gentile, while Isaac had pure Hebrew upbringing & was nourished from a Hebrew woman.

Not only that, Abraham is historically Brahm and Sarah is Saraswati, and Hebrew history, such as Josephus makes it plain and clear, that Abraham was a King & Sarah was a Queen, including in the land of Damascus, while Hagar was a servant, and the child of the King & Queen, being full-blood, gets the right of firstborn because he was the first blooded child & also not a servant.
The Ezra decree against Hebrew men marrying foreign women & birthing foreign children

This is also why Ezra Chapters 8-10, goes into detail about the Levitical Priest Ezra forcing Hebrew men, especially those of the tribe of Levy, to get rid of both their wives and children, because the wives were of foreign origin, and were raising the children spiritually in contradiction to the Torah, and thus even the children were stripped of their Hebrew Identity & lost their inheritance, because the Torah specifically banned inter-marriage, not because of the foreign person race or ethnic background, but because of the traditions, values and spiritual beliefs such persons inherited from their parents that posed a threat to Hebrew culture and the stability of civilization as well as the mental, emotional and spiritual stability of the child.

It was obvious that there was family and cultural instability amongst the Hebrew peoples, in that the foreign women were soo damaging and undermining of their husbands, children, and homes, that it was noticeable enough in Hebrew society to be brought to Ezra’s attention as a major issue that needed to be addressed for the wellbeing and balance of the entire people of Israel.

When you think about how damaging and undermining Feminist and Black American women are towards their men and marriages and how an epidemic of child instability is amongst the Black & liberal population in America, and how women literally operate as serpents with regards to usurping the authority & Torah based functions of the man, as rightful leader of the family and his children, by taking advantage of child support laws that created a statutory crime which invokes the 14th Amendment rule of exceptions to the institution of slavery and involuntary servitude, resulting in child custody courts frequently and deliberately awarding such female serpents the upper hand over the children, where she is able to instill contradictory values into them in defiance of the divine inherited rights and design of the father, while also using the children as literal chattel property and promissory notes, as well as having the ability to legally enslave such men when he does not comply to her monetary mandates via debtors court, and how such female serpants have proven to be failed single mothers who have created not only bastardville but the environment of instability that breeds thugs, drug dealers, rapists, gang members, young female prostitutes who learn via these environments at young ages how to continue the serpent behavior of their mothers, and predators of society, which also serves as the basis for the mental health epidemic, rampant STD epidemic, and the immoral culture that reflects literally no proper home training, no decent values and little to know connection to Yahwah Elah and the Torah, which has also create the poverty of mind and depravity that we all now see being expressed by most Black Americans as normalized behavior, then it becomes very very very clear why Ezra responded the way he did:

“Ezra 9:1 And when these matters had been done, the leaders came to me, saying, “The people of Yisra’ĕl and the priests and the Lĕwites have not separated themselves from the peoples of the lands, as to their abominations, those of the Kenaʽanites, the Ḥittites, the Perizzites, the Yeḇusites, the Ammonites, the Mo’aḇites, the Mitsrites, and the Amorites,
Ezr 9:2 for they have taken some of their daughters as wives for themselves and their sons, so that the set-apart seed is intermingled with the peoples of those lands. And the hand of the leaders and rulers has been foremost in this trespass.”
Ezr 9:3 And when I heard this word, I tore my garment and my robe, and plucked out some of the hair of my head and beard, and sat down astonished.”

Notice how they also mention Misrite(Egyptian) women, those who were of the same heritage as Ishmael’s Mother Hagar. Remember what happened to Hagar & Ishmael, in how Yahwah sided with Sarah over Abraham, with regards to sending them away, in the same manner as Ezra’s response which you can read later in the Book of Ezra?

It would be like myself, a Mizrahi Jew of Color, deciding to marry an African American woman, whose family traditions are Christian or worse yet of voodoo or superstition origins. There would be instability and polarization in the child’s life, especially with regards to religious holidays and me not wanting my children to celebrate Christmas, Easter etc, and the Christian side seeing us as hell-bound because we reject Jesus, and so each side constantly acts in a biased manner, especially with regards to conflicts. Lord forbid a black woman into Zodiacs, wants to eat pork and disgusting foods that are abhorrent to Judaism, or who engages in what Judaism defines as satanism because she espouses so-called indigenous African beliefs or made up mixed up beliefs as is often in black American culture. Such children who are a product of this unclean union are not supposed to receive an inheritance, no more than we are supposed to eat of fruits and vegetables growing via GMO or splicing means, where the Torah laws of farming are violated.

Furthermore, if the relationship between myself and the mother fails, she’s most likely going to instill contradictive cultural & spiritual values in the children, especially in an ass-backward society like America where the mother is usually awarded primary custody over the child, and thus becomes the child’s head, in direct contradiction to the Torah, which immediately results in the spitting upon the birthright of the child.

Ezra’s edict makes it clear such women and children must be stripped of their birthright and any Hebrew man who disobeys such is to be stripped of his Hebrew identity as well.

Ezra 10:1 And while “Ezra was praying, and while he was confessing, weeping, and bowing down before the House of Elohim, a very large assembly – men and women and children – gathered unto him from Yisra’ĕl, for the people wept very bitterly.

Ezr 10:2 And Sheḵanyah son of Yeḥi’ĕl, one of the sons of Olam, spoke up and said to Ezra, “We have trespassed against our Elohim, and have taken foreign women from the peoples of the land. And now there is expectancy in Yisra’ĕl concerning this.
Ezr 10:3 “Now then, let us make a covenant with our Elohim to put away all these wives and those who have been born to them, according to the counsel of יהוה and of those who tremble at the command of our Elohim. And let it be done according to the Torah.
Ezr 10:4 “Arise, for the matter is upon you, but we are with you. Be strong and act.”
Ezr 10:5 And Ezra rose, and made the leaders of the priests, the Lĕwites, and all Yisra’ĕl, to swear to do according to this word. And they swore.

Engraftment vs Conversion: The Gentile who is fully ingrafted & has fully adopted Hebrew culture as their own, culturally and/or religiously

Yet if an African American, Asian or European woman had already converted to religious Judaism or adopted Hebrew culture(which would not change her ethnicity whatsoever) before I met her or was raised up by her parents who had already converted to Judaism, then it would be okay to intermarry with her. The children would receive a full inheritance because they are Ethnic via my bloodline and inherit Hebrew culture and faith via both their parents. This is reflected and given balance by the prophet Isaiah:

Isaiah 56:1  Thus said יהוה, “Guard right-ruling, and do righteousness, for near is My deliverance to come, and My righteousness to be revealed. Isa 56:2  “Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man who lays hold on it, guarding the Sabbath lest he profane it, and guarding his hand from doing any evil. Isa 56:3  “And let not the son of the foreigner who has joined himself to יהוה speak, saying, ‘יהוה has certainly separated me from His people,’ nor let the eunuch say, ‘Look I am a dry tree.’ ” Isa 56:4  For thus said יהוה, “To the eunuchs who guard My Sabbaths, and have chosen what pleases Me, and hold fast to My covenant: Isa 56:5  to them I shall give in My house and within My walls a place and a name better than that of sons and daughters – I give them an everlasting name that is not cut off. Isa 56:6  “Also the sons of the foreigner who join themselves to יהוה, to serve Him, and to love the Name of יהוה, to be His servants, all who guard the Sabbath, and not profane it, and hold fast to My covenant – Isa 56:7  them I shall bring to My set-apart mountain, and let them rejoice in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their slaughterings are accepted on My altar, for My house is called a house of prayer for all the peoples.” Isa 56:8  The Master יהוה, who gathers the outcasts of Yisra’ĕl, declares, “I gather still others to him besides those who are gathered to him.” 

Exodus 12:48  “And when a stranger sojourns with you and shall perform the Passover to יהוה, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and perform it, and he shall be as a native of the land. But let no uncircumcised eat of it.

Exo 12:49  “There is one Torah for the native-born and for the stranger who sojourns among you.”

Let me point out that the Chaldean word for “Joined” in the text above, is Lawah(Leh-weh), where we get the word Lahawi(Lewy, a Levitical priest) from. It literally means to “ingraft oneself”. In other words, while Ashkenazi religious Jews use conversion, Ethnic Jews use an engraftment process where one evolves into Hebrew culture and values. No one can covert and become a Hebrew, an Ethnicity, but they can become Hebrew believers, or in the case of Ashkenazi Judaism, Rabbinical Jewish. That means one cannot develop Torah beliefs or traditions, that is acceptable to Yahwah Elah, separate from the actual Ethnic Hebrew peoples. Unfortunately, Zionists, Rabbinical Jews, black Hebrews, White Hebrews in Europe(who created the Black Hebrews btw), and Hebrew Christians, all violate the prophetic words of Elah via Isaiah 56. Because almost all of them have virtually no relationship to Mizrahi & Sephardi Jews, even though we make up over 85% of the global Hebrew population.

  • It should also be known that Jewish is not automatically Yehudim, and Yehudim is not an exclusive reference to the Tribe of Judah, nor the nation of Judah nor Judeans. The term associated with Yehuda preceded the Hebrew peoples with the Yadavas, the forefathers of the Hebrews. Yet still, the term Jew has no linguistic connection to any Chaldean word in the scriptures, and could not have even been used as a form of identity before 1611, because the letter J was not even in usage until then. The letter G however could have been used prior to 1611(i.e. Gews). In fact it was. The word itself is extremely questionable, despite it becoming a general usage amongst Ashkenazis in the late 1800’s and Ethnic Hebrews after 1948.

    Read Article

    Nonetheless, it is acceptable to be called a Jew, Hebrew or Israelite, depending on actual heritage(Ethnic, relative, religious or cultural)
  • So Hebrew Identity has two sides. Ethnic identity and cultural-spiritual identity. Both must be adhered to in order to receive an inheritance. A Hebrew who’s an atheist, doesn’t follow Torah and does not have a relationship with Yahwah Elah is the same as a gentile in general, and a gentile who upholds the Torah and has a relationship with Elah is regarded as more Hebrew(spiritually) than the apostate Hebrew, and will receive an inheritance greater than the apostate Ethnic Hebrew. While Ethnic Hebrews are genetically wired to the Messianic lineage with a special code of genius, light(or massive darkness) & innovation unlike any other race or nation of peoples, being a Hebrew by birth is NOT enough to receive the favor of Elah. You must have your cultural & spiritual roots rooted and grounded in the Torah & you must have a personal & collective relationship with Yahwah Elah as you are guided by the Ruwah HaQodesh. In fact, following the letter of the Torah is not enough, No one can truly follow the Torah, especially the Spirit of the Torah(the evidence-based worship), until they receive the Ruwah HaQodesh, and to even get to that point you must have an anointed Mashiakh Rabbi-Cohen(Aninted Levitical priest) in your midst who has the prophetic Spirit of Elah upon them so that Elah can take such spirit that is upon them and place it within you, as he did with Moses and the 70 Elders. This is a mandatory foundational understanding to becoming a complete Ethnic Jew or engrafted Torah gentile. This is not a doctrine that Rabbinical Judaism teaches, thus their conversions have failed to live up to the standards of the Torah and have simply continued the “Traditions of Men”.

    The Verdict:

    Thus with this understanding, the fact that Ashkenazi Rabbinical Judaism only adheres to half of this tradition, without regard for Ethnicity via the father, and only considers those Jews whose mothers are Jewish or who convert to their brand of Judaism, means that they are operating on religion & not proper ancient Ethnic Hebrew identity. They do this because the majority are not historic ethnic Israelites. They are Ashkenazi, Khazarian & other European gentile converts to Judaism.

    Note they are the only ones who use their ethnic identity along with their religious identity, Ashkenazi(Ethnic, just like Shem and Cham are Ethnic identities)-Jew(religious, nationalists), thus they are not Ethnic Israelites, they only adhere to quasi Shemitic -Hebrew traditions. Also keep in mind that Nationality does NOT equal race nor ethnicity. Nations can have numerous ethnic and tribal peoples and cultures. Thus anyone of any race, faith, ethnicity, culture and ideology who is a citizen of Israel is an Israeli, but not all Israeli’s are Israelites(Ethnic Jews), nor are all Israeli’s Jews.

Noahides laws are an apartheid invention, not of the Torah

  • This brings my next point- There is no such thing as Noahide laws. There is no separate law for Hebrews and Gentiles. This is an extremely exaggerated tradition that has cultural & religious apartheid written all over it. We already know Ashkenazi Jews, who don’t reflect full Hebrew culture, are capable of inflicting apartheid upon people. They financed South African Apartheid, they intended to create an Apartheid system in Uganda, where they originally wanted their homeland, and then they created a full Apartheid system against both Palestinians and Ethnic Mizrahi & Sephardi Jews, because they do not see us as one of them, and ethnically speaking they are right. That is why White Orthodox Jews demanded that Ethiopia Jews go through a conversion to live in Israel because such White Jews see their Judaism as superior and Ethiopian, Sephardi, and Mizrahi Judaism as inferior, and they treat us like that as evidence in the segregation of our communities in Israel. Ethiopian Jews should never have embraced Rabbinical Judaism over their own Judaism, as the Ethiopian Jew, Beta Israel is the Ethnic Jew. Their heritage and culture are the ones who preserved the “Right Torah” which is a direct replica of the Dead Sea Scrolls Torah, which is 1500 years older than the corrupt Masoretic texts preserved by the Religious Rabbinical Jews & Christians. The Masoretic text is the most deceptive, inadequate, and heavily edited Torah of all Hebrew traditions that don’t even reflect much of the Torah used by Josephus, and thus anyone who seeks the truth should not rely solely on the Masoretic texts which is the underlying Chaldean scriptures of every Bible version in western civilization, the King James Version being the worst English translation that should be thrown into the garbage or burned.

    Read Article
    Ethiopian Traditions ‘Nearly Identical’ to Dead Sea Scrolls From Second Temple Era (

    Being an Ethnic group of the European/white race, they simply act like their European Christian & Atheist counterparts in how they deal with other races and ethnicities.

    The Rabbinical Torah vs the actual Torah
  • When Ashkenazi Rabbinical Jews say they are Torah observant, they, under their own admission, are speaking of the Talmud, a collection of both Hebrew and gentile traditions, teachings and jurisprudent. They do not follow the original Mosiac Torah no more than Christians who don’t follow the Torah, as both are post-biblical editorial religions. The Torah says there is ONE Law for Hebrews & Gentiles who sojourn amongst us. There are no apartheid laws whatsoever for Hebrews and gentiles.

    Read Article:
    Understanding the Oral Torah of Adonai YHWH vs The Post Exilic Oral Torah. Essene(Enochic) Judaism vs Pharisaical Judaism. A Study Guide – Mizrahi Ethiopian Jewish International Rabbinical Council (

The deceptive misusage of the term Anti-semitism

  • Based on the facts that Ashkenazi is an Ethnic identification not associated, for the most part, with Ethnic Israelites, such as Mizrahi, the proper term Ashkenazi Jews should use when they perceive people are against them is Anti-Japethetic, not Anti-semitic. Anti-semitism properly applies to those against Mizrahi(Eastern) and Sephardi Jews as well as those who are Anti-Arab & Anti-Persian because all of us are descendants of Shem. Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of Japeth by way of Ashkenaz, they are of the white race, whereas Ethnic Jews are Asian. How they treat the Palestinians, a Shemitic people, is a gross form of actual Anti-semitism.

Teaching misinformation about Ethnic Hebrew Origins

  • Sephardi Jews do NOT mean Spanish Jew. Spain has never been called Sepharad. Sephardi comes from the biblical city Sephar which is in Oman SW Arabia where our people inhabited(called Dophar today)

     Genesis 10:25 And to Ěḇer were born two sons, the name of one was Peleḡ, for in his days the earth was divided, and his brother’s name was Yoqtan.  Gen 10:26 And Yoqtan brought forth Almoḏaḏ, and Sheleph, and Ḥatsarmaweth, and Yeraḥ, Gen 10:27 and Haḏoram, and Uzal, and Diqlah, Gen 10:28 and Oḇal, and Aḇima’ĕl, and Sheḇa, Gen 10:29 and Ophir, and Ḥawilah, and Yoḇaḇ. All these were sons of Yoqtan.
    <<<Gen 10:30 And their dwelling place was from Mĕysha as you go toward Sephar, a mountain of the east. >>>>
  • It was later under the ARAB Islamic Moorish Empire that we established synagogues in North Africa & throughout Asia(Mizrahi), which during that time also included Iberia later named Spain. There we converted both Negroid Africans and Europeans to both Judaism and Islam. Which is also why Africa is dominated by the Abrahamic Faiths.
  • In fact, the name Africa comes from Abraham’s children via Keturah who overthrew Libya, the Capital of the Continent, and then renamed the entire continent after themselves as documented in the Torah and explained in the book of Josephu and Philo. Julius Africanus did not name Africa whatsoever. He got his name from the continent who go it from the individuals Aphah and Apher

Gen 25:1  And Aḇraham took another wife, whose name was Qeturah. Gen 25:2  And she bore him Zimran, and Yoqshan, and Meḏan, and Miḏyan, and Yishbaq, and Shuwaḥ. Gen 25:3  And Yoqshan brought forth Sheḇa and Deḏan. And the sons of Deḏan were Asshurim, and Letushim, and Le’ummim. Gen 25:4  And the sons of Miḏyan were Aphah, and Apher, and Ḥanoḵ, and Aḇiḏa, and Eldaʽah. All these were the children of Qeturah.

  • The Igbo of West Africa are descendants of these Asiatic children of Keturah. That is why they want an independent nation called Bi-Afra.
  • The error of assuming that everyone who has some remnants of Israelite Torah traditions, is somehow Israelite is blatant misinformation. All of the Hebrews, including non-descendants of Abraham, and various tribes who descended from Abraham, shared a similar language, customs & traditions. Ethnicity is determined by blood line and genetics, not prophecy nor perceived traditions. That is why both Igbo and Ashkenazis share a similar dilemma, many of both follow religious Hebrew beliefs, but are not actual Ethnic Israelites.
  • This is the actual problem and reality of Ashkenazi Jews, ruling Palestine & trying to monopolize Israelite heritage and Judaism, using religious conversion tactics that is not supported in the Torah

    Gen 9:26  And he said, “Blessed be יהוה, the Elohim of Shĕm, and let Kenaʽan become his servant. Gen 9:27  “Let Elohim enlarge Yepheth, and let him dwell in the tents of Shĕm. And let Kenaʽan become his servant.”

Misinformation that the Torah does not teach about the Flood

  • The entire world did not Flood & neither does the original biblical Chaldean say such, and Enoch was not taken off the planet. He was taken to the Garden East of Aden aka SoQatra Island, that used to be apart of the Horn of Africa and was a mountain. It is very clear that the earths sea levels did rise significantly(see google map of SoQatra Island), and it was enough to turn Mt Qatra into SoQatra Island, the biblical Garden East of Aden(Yemen. Google map shows its directly east of Aden in the Sea as an Island)

    Jubilees 4:16-24 *And in the eleventh jubilee Jared took to himself a wife, and her name was Bâraka, the daughter of Râsûjâl, a daughter of his father’s brother, in the fourth week of this jubilee, *and she bare him a son in the fifth week, in the fourth year of the jubilee, and he called his name Enoch. [2]  

. 17 And he was the first among men that are born on earth who learnt writing and knowledge and wisdom and who wrote down the signs of heaven according to the order of their months in a book, that men might know the seasons of the years according to the order of their separate months. 18 And he was the first to write a testimony, and he testified to the sons of men among the generations of the earth, and recounted the weeks of the jubilees, and made known to them the days of the years, and set in order the months and recounted the Sabbaths of the years as we made (them), known to him. 19 And what was and what will be he saw in a vision of his sleep, as it will happen to the children of men throughout their generations until the day of judgment; he saw and understood everything, and wrote his testimony, and placed the testimony on earth for all the children of men and for their generations………. 21 And he was moreover with the angels of Elah these six jubilees of years, and they showed him everything which is on earth and in the heavens, the rule of the sun, and he wrote down everything. 22 And he testified to the Watchers, who had sinned with the daughters of men; for these had begun to unite themselves, so as to be defiled, with the daughters of men, and Enoch testified against (them) all.

 23 And he was taken from amongst the children of men, and we conducted him into the Garden of Aden in majesty and honour, and behold there he writes down the con-detonation and judgment of the world, and all the wickedness of the children of men. 24 And on account of it Elah did not bring the waters of the flood upon all the land of Eden; for there he was set as a sign and that he should testify against all the children of men, that he should recount all the deeds of the generations until the day of condemnation. 25 And he burnt the incense of the sanctuary, (even) sweet spices acceptable before Yahwah at the Holy place, Mount Qatra. 26 For Yahwah has four places on the earth, the Garden of Eden, and the Mount of the East, and this mountain on which thou art this day, Mount Sinai, and Mount Zion (which) will be sanctified in the new creation for a sanctification of the earth; through it will the earth be sanctified from all (its) guilt and its uncleanness throughout the generations of the world. 2[3]

  • This also brings the next point: It was in fact Angels, Watchers, who had sex with human beings producing, the Nephilim, which is wrongly translated by Greeks as Giants but in fact means “Fallen ones”.. Those fallen ones were never eradicated because the entire earth was not flooded. In fact, the Torah flood story does not state in biblical Chaldean/Hebrew, that the whole world/earth was flooded, it uses Eretz, and states the land was flooded, as in a regional flood that may have killed many people in coastal areas. The human sacrifices, animal sacrifices, meat eating, and many destructive Barbaric customs around the world were and are still being practiced by both indigenous, 3rd world and industrialized countries(the violent genocidal, immoral cultural behavior of Black Americans, for example, is text book culture of fallen ones. White Colonialism, Segregation and Apartheid is another example of how fallen ones behave as genetically mutated humans).

    No such thing as Hebrew being a language
  • This also brings another point: The language characters associated with the Masoretic Texts and Biblia Hebraica are not the Hebrew language. It’s actually Chaldean language mixed with Aramaic, depending on the Hebrew books. Hebrew is an ethnicity, not a language.
  • Our original language is Aramaic. Those who use what they call ancient or Paleo-Hebrew language are not using Hebrew, Chaldean nor Aramaic. They are using ancient Phoenician, which was also the Canaanite language and the language many in the tribe of Judah spoke, considering Judah is a half breed of Israelites, Canaanites & other foreign nations, and of which for a period other Tribes of Israel could not understand, as the Northern Tribes of Israel spoke Aramaic & the southern nation of Judah, spoke Phoenician & later variations of Moabite & other foreign nations. The nation of Judah even had a problem amongst themselves where some spoke Phoenician and others spoke foreign languages and there was confusion internally because of it.

    Genesis 38:1  And at that time it came to be that Yehuḏah left his brothers, and turned aside to a man, an Aḏullamite whose name was Ḥirah. Gen 38:2  And Yehuḏah saw there a daughter of a certain Kenaʽanite whose name was Shuwa. And he took her and went in to her. Gen 38:3  So she conceived and bore a son, and he called his name Ěr. Gen 38:4  And she conceived again and bore a son, and she called his name Onan.  Gen 38:5  And she conceived yet again and bore a son, and called his name Shĕlah. And he was at Keziḇ when she bore him.

    2Chronicles 32:18  Then they called out with a loud voice in the language of Yehuḏah to the people of Yerushalayim who were on the wall, so that they could understand, and to frighten them and to trouble them, in order to capture the city. 2Ch 32:19  And they spoke against the Elohim of Yerushalayim, as against the mighty ones of the people of the earth, the work of men’s hands.

    Nehemiah 13:23  “In those days I also saw Yehuḏim who had married women of Ashdoḏ, Ammon, Mo’aḇ. Neh 13:24  And half of their children spoke the language of Ashdoḏ, and could not speak the language of Yehuḏah, but spoke according to the language of one or the other people.”Isaiah 36:11  And Elyaqim, Sheḇnah, and Yo’aḥ said to the Raḇshaqĕh, “Please speak to your servants in Aramaic, for we understand it. And do not speak to us in the language of Yehuḏah in the hearing of the people who are on the wall.”  Isa 36:12  But the Raḇshaqĕh said, “Has my master sent me to your master and to you to speak these words, and not to the men who sit on the wall, to eat their own dung and drink their own urine with you?”

Isa 36:13  And the Raḇshaqĕh stood and called out with a loud voice in the language of Yehuḏah, and said, “Hear the words of the great sovereign, the sovereign of Ashshur!”

The lie of the Everlasting Throne of David & Messiah of David- A southern invention

  • Next point: There is no everlasting non-ending throne of David. That is as ridiculous as US gov’t officials, academic scholars and activists spreading the lie that slavery was abolished under the 13th Amendment, ye it clearly has an exception, or the lie that Yeshua in the New Testament stated that he’d return(the 2nd coming) during the generation of his original followers, which never happened.  Non-ending means exactly that, never ending. David’s throne ended with the destruction of Judah and Jerusalem, and no one righteous was interested in restoring the lie, because:
  •  The tribes of Israel, except some Benjamites, never accepted David as King in the first place. He was not even an actual King, He was equal to a Sar of the Tribe of Judah & later his southern nation followers forged the never ending throne of David myth. In fact all of the non-Judah books of the Hebrew Library make it clear the Rabbi-Cohen(Cohen HaGadol) was the Messiah of Israel and it was via the seed of Lahawi(Lewy) that the Messiah would come. Only Levitical priests, by Torah law, can atone for sin, not a Judahite. Plus King Solomon was a bastard/Mamzer and his reign was also illegitimate and serve as the reason Israelites rejected Judah, King David and King Solomon.

    1Kings 12:17  But as for the children of Yisra’ĕl who dwelt in the cities of Yehuḏah, Reḥaḇʽam reigned over them. 1Ki 12:18  And when Sovereign Reḥaḇʽam sent Aḏoram, who was over the compulsory labour, all Yisra’ĕl stoned him with stones, and he died. And Sovereign Reḥaḇʽam hastily mounted his chariot to flee to Yerushalayim. 1Ki 12:19  Thus Yisra’ĕl revolted against the house of Dawiḏ to this day.

1Ki 12:20  And it came to be when all Yisra’ĕl heard that Yaroḇʽam had come back, they sent for him and called him to the congregation, and set him up to reign over all Yisra’ĕl. There was none who followed the house of Dawiḏ, except the tribe of Yehuḏah only.

The High priest(Rabbi Cohen), the True King and Messiah of Israel

  • This is why Yahoshua, the Levitical High Priest, was anointed King of Israel & not Zerubabel, who was given a subservient governors position, and the proper “Priest-King” movement was established leading to the Hasmonaeans after the Tribe of Levy, under the priest Judas Maccaby, led the revolt to free Hebrews from the Greeks, just as Lewy himself stood up to defend and avenge the rape of his daughter, just as Levitical Moses freed the tribes of Israel from Egypt, and the Levitical Priest Ezra freed the Hebrews from Captivity in Babylon, and the Levitical Priest, the More Tzadik, mentioned in the book of Joel(2:23) named Judas in the Dead Sea Scrolls, freed the spiritual minds of Israel by continuing the Enochic Hebrew traditions, that was preserved by the Levitical priests(who did not worship the Golden Calf) and Levitical prophets, culminating in the rise of the Essenes, who were the only ones that consisted of mostly Ethnic Israelites, while the Pharisees became corrupted & overrun by Idumeans, and the Sadducees were a continuation of the Canaanite priesthood King David installed alongside a Levitical priest & of which King Solomon later made as the supreme priests over the tribe of Judah, ousting the Levitical priest who rightfully favored his brother(whom he assassinated) as King because under Torah law, King Solomon was a mamzer being a product of adultery between David and Bathsheba.

    Zechariah 3:1  And he showed me Yehoshua the high priest standing before the messenger of יהוה, and Satan standing at his right hand to be an adversary to him. Zec 3:2  And יהוה said to Satan, “יהוה rebuke you, Satan! יהוה who has chosen Yerushalayim rebuke you! Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?”

    Zec 3:6  And the messenger of יהוה witnessed to Yehoshua, saying, Zec 3:7  “Thus said יהוה of hosts, ‘If you walk in My ways, and if you guard My duty, then you shall also rule My house, and also guard My courts. And I shall give you access among these standing here. Zec 3:8  ‘Now listen, Yehoshua the high priest, you and your companions who sit before you, for they are men of symbol. For look, I am bringing forth My Servant – the Branch” Zec 6:9  And the word of יהוה came to me, saying, Zec 6:10  “Receive the gift from the exiles, from Ḥeldai, Toḇiyah, and Yeḏayah, who have come from Baḇel. Then you shall go the same day and enter the house of Yoshiyah son of Tsephanyah. Zec 6:11  “And you shall take the silver and gold, make a crown, and set it on the head of Yehoshua the son of Yehotsaḏaq, the high priest, Zec 6:12  and shall speak to him, saying, ‘Thus said יהוה of hosts, saying, “See, the Man whose name is the Branch1! And from His place He shall branch out, and He shall build the Hĕḵal(Temple) of יהוה.

    Zec 6:13  “It is He who is going to build the Hĕḵal of יהוה. It is He who is going to bear the splendour. And He shall sit and rule on His throne, and shall be a priest on His throne, and the counsel of peace shall be between Them both,”

    Compare to:

    Malachi 2:4  “And you shall know that I have sent this command to you, as being My covenant with Lĕwi,” said יהוה of hosts. Mal 2:5  “My covenant with him was life and peace, and I gave them to him, to fear. And he feared Me, and stood in awe of My Name.” Mal 2:6  “The Torah of truth1 was in his mouth, and unrighteousness was not found on his lips. He walked with Me in peace and straightness, and turned many away from crookedness. Mal 2:7  “For the lips of a priest should guard knowledge, and they seek the Torah from his mouth, for He is the Messenger of יהוה of hosts.”Malachi 3:1  “See, I am sending My Messenger1, and he shall prepare the way before Me. Then suddenly the Master you are seeking comes to His Hĕḵal, the Messenger2 of the Covenant, in whom you delight. See, He is coming,” said יהוה of hosts.”
    Mal 3:3  “And He shall sit as a refiner and a cleanser of silver. And He shall cleanse the sons of Lĕwi, and refine them as gold and silver, and they shall belong to יהוה, bringing near an offering in righteousness.
  • Zadok & Zadokites are a reference to Canaanite priests who ruled Jebus-Salem(Pre-Jerusalem), as a puppet government and religious system of Babylonians. They were priest-kings known as Melchi-Zadok(or MelchiZadek). They simply replaced Levitical priests, who’s power had been stripped by virtue of the Hebrews wickedly asking for a secular King, which was in essence rejecting Elah and Elah’s anointed Torah Levitical Priest King, a socio-spiritual political leader & Mashiakh.

    This is why many modern Torah scholars rightfully distinguish the difference between Zadokite Judaism, Enochic Judaism and Sapiential Judaism(A secular wisdom tradition of some ancient Hebrews).
  • Pharisees and Sadducees are the inheritors of Zadokite Judaism and the Essenes are the inheritors of original Enochic/Levitical Judaism. Levitical is not an association with the post exilic books that shares a similar name.
  • Elah, the name of Yahwah in Aramaic, and Allah, are the same Eternal Creator. However, God is not Elah nor Allah. It is a Babylonian Deity of good fortune, money and Capitalism, adopted by some Hebrews during the Babylonian exile and later by Europeans who worshipped the Nordic Deity Gott. Thus it is permissible for Israelites and Muslims to worship together but not for Israelites and Christians. We are even forbidden to enter into a Christian Church or house of worship because it is idolatry.

It’s a reason why US Academic & religious education lags behind Eastern/Asian education. America teaches fundamental mis-education about history every day so that the lie has become the truth and the truth has become the lie. This is why America was doomed the minute it was conceived in the hearts of men, because it never had true roots in itself according to the Torah of Elah.

More details in my books below!!!

Developing and Establishing Effective Leadership for a Prosperous Edenic Hebrew Civilization

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