Developing & Establishing Effective Hebrew Leadership-A summary of the published manual


“Distinguishing Torah sanctioned Leaders from Defacto Post Biblical Rabbinical & Black Hebrew Leadership
By Dr. Rabbi Cohen Shalomim Y. HaLahawi, OMD, NMD, PhD., PsyD, MRbs, DPH, DFM
Mizrahi-Ethiopian Jewish Int’l Rabbinical Council
CHY-Open International University
#JewsforJudaism #MizrahiJewsforJudaism
Copyright 2004-2022. All rights reserved without prejudice

Based on the book:
Developing and Establishing Effective Leadership for a Prosperous Edenic Hebrew Civilization (

Article to Read:

The radical rabbis who trample on Jewish law to ‘redeem’ the land of Israel – Israel News –

After reading this article, it becomes clear that the root of the problem is Rabbinical Judaism itself. They are too church like in this undermining the Torah of Yahwah Elah & changing the laws and traditions with post-biblical traditions that contradict the Torah, including instituting a replacement of the Levitical Priest with non-Levitical Rabbis, when Yahwah has anointed only the Rabbi-Cohen(Chief Priest) and Levitical Cohanim as the Socio-Spiritual Political Leaders of Israel.

Rabbis are an important leadership office in Hebrew culture, but they are not sanctioned to be foundational leadership, where they are the head of the people and nations with final authority. Rabbis are supposed to be senior leaders of different ministries and roles within the community and national governmental positions, but the Anointed Priests are supposed to appoint them & commission them to positions of Leadership. The Rabbis are not supposed to be appointing leadership as foundational leaders as they are not Torah anointed leadership in that capacity.

A Rabbi(Master, Chief), Moreh(Teacher), Zaqen(Elders/Congress), Shaliach(Ambassador), Maggid(Wiseman-Preacher, Jewish Evangelist) are supposed to be subservient to the Rabbi-Cohenim and the Levitical Priesthood.  The Shaphat(Judge) is the only other anointed foundational Leadership in the Torah alongside the Levitical Priesthood.

In Summary & perspective

Exo 18:19  “Now listen to my voice. Let me counsel you and Elohim be with you: Stand before Elohim for the people, and you shall bring the matters to Elohim.

Exo 18:20  “And you shall enlighten them concerning the laws and the Torot, and show them the Way in which they should walk and the work which they do.

Exo 18:21  “But you yourself, seek out from all the people able men, who fear Elohim, men of truth, hating unfair gain. And place these over them to be rulers(Shar) of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.

Exo 18:22  “And they shall rightly rule the people at all times. And it shall be that they bring every great matter to you, but they themselves rightly rule every small matter. So, make it lighter for yourself, for they shall bear with you.

Exo 18:23  “If you do this word, and Elohim shall command you, then you shall be able to stand and all this people also go to their place in peace.”

Legislative Branch

 Rabbi-Cohen(High Priest) The foundational/Head anointed Leadership of the Nation of Israel at the governing level, the Head/Chair of the Levitical Priesthood(Aramaic, same as Cohen Hagadol in Chaldean)

  1. The Levitical Priesthood(Cohenim): is the legislative senatorial branch aka Halachic authority over the entire governing system, nation, tribes, communities, and ministries
  2. The Rabbi-Cohen is anointed to have Supreme Legislative, Executive, and Judicial
           Authority, as the last resort and final authority on matters of dispute between the
           Legislative, Judicial and Executive Branches of Leadership.
  3. Zaqenim(70 Elders)- The House of Representatives of the tribes of Israel, along with
            the Levitical Priesthood(Senatorial) makes up the Congressional system also known as
    the Knesset
  • The Head of the House of Representatives or all of the tribal Elders is a Rabbi-Zaqen(Chief Elder)

Judicial Branch

Shaphatim(Judges, Hebrew Arbitration-The Beth Din judicial/arbitrary system established amongst the different Hebrew tribes, communities, and ministries of Israel will have Judges to administrate and issue judicial halachic rulings to solve disputes, conflict, Torts, & administrate marriage, divorce, child custody, financial matters & ensure religious matters are upheld within the framework of Torah & Levitical Priesthood HaLacha. When Israel became a dysfunctional nation, with a non-functioning Torah-based Socio-Spiritual Political leadership & government, Yahwah raised up Shaphatim to liberate Israelites & transition them back to a functioning Torah-sanctioned leadership. The same happened in latter times when Israel was oppressed & enslaved, Yahwah raised up Levitical priests to liberate the Hebrews & then restore the governmental system as sanctioned by the Torah. Both were in accordance with Debarim 17.

  1. The Chief Judges who preside over the entire network of Judicial systems(lower Beth Dinin) is a Rabbi-Shaphat(equivalent to the Supreme Court)
  2. The office of the Nabi(prophet) also operates within the framework of divine judgment. They also are a part of Ha’Yeshivot Nabiim(The School of Prophets), which is different from the traditional Jewish Yeshiva, in that in these Yeshivot all Spiritual leaders of every kind within Israel are taught, prepared & equipped in various forms of leadership and then the Rabbi-Cohen issues a Semicha of delegated responsibility & then activates them to tap into the Ruwah HaQodesh, in the same manner as when Yahwah took the spirit from upon Moses and placed it upon the 70 Elders resulting in them becoming prophetic in nature(Numbers 11:25).

    Most Jewish Nabiim are also Levitical Priests, as Elah’s spirit rests upon certain Levitical priests, which comes from the Rabbi-Cohen, which then activates them as prophetic ministers within that rank as Prophet.
    There are those who are priestly prophets, others who are prophetic priests & those who are non-Israelite Hebrew Prophets. A  prophetic priest has a higher rank than a priestly prophet or gentile prophet. For example, the tribe of Yoseph, via Manasseh & Ephraim, whose mother Asenath was the daughter of the Egyptian priest of On, is a non-Levitical priestly tribe. Thus, a prophet who rises up from amongst them would be a priestly prophet.

    A Nazarite is a non-Levitical laymen priestly office that both an Ethnic Israelite(non-Levitical) & gentile member of Jewish society can be initiated. They can include priestly prophets as well, who could operate in the area of divine judgment & discernment & other delegated responsibilities.

    Ezekiel, traditionally thought to be an Israelite prophet & priest in Zadokite Judaism, was in fact a priestly prophet, as he was not an Ethnic Israelite nor from the tribe of Lewy, and habitually supported Zadokite ideology(i.e. Canaanite traditions) which Essene Levitical Priests staunchly opposed. Ezekiel was of East Asian descent, said to be from China. Thus he was a gentile.
    The Prophet Elijah is another example of a non-Israelite Hebrew Prophet. He was actually of Arabic/Ishmaelite descent, according to the Lives of the Prophets.
    Jeremiah is an example of a Prophetic Priest, meaning he was a Prophet & Levitical Priest.
  3. The head of the Yeshivot Nabiim(School of the Prophets) is called a Rabi-Nabi

Executive Branch.

Melek/Malak, many times translated as King, but within the context of Torah law is the Chief Executive Minister of the Rabbi-Cohen- Who operates as a governor-Pechah & executes duties according to the Halacha of the priesthood & halachic decree directives of the Rabbi Cohen with regard to foreign & domestic affairs.

  1. Melek is a general term that refers to one appointed to be the leader, chief or ruler with power & authority, similar to the term Rab, Rabbah or Rabbi. It also refers to one who gives counsel or advises, such as a chief of Staff or Leadership assistant.
  • The Melek being an executive independent office of Hebrew Leadership is not an original Torah sanctioning and was only later added as an amendment to the Mishneh     HaTorah(Book of Debarim & Deuterocanonical history)sometime before the exilic period by the Elders of Israel to justify the rogue Melek who was appointed in defiance against Yahwah to deal with foreign powers & a weaker Hebrew society.
  • The Melek operating as what we understand as a King, like other gentile nations, with supreme authority even over the priesthood & Judges, was established in contempt of Yahwah & his ordained order. This office is not an original anointed Torah leadership nor was it sanctioned or approved by Elah.  While Yahwah Elah directly appointed & ordained for the Rabbi-Cohen, Priesthood and Judges to be the governing leaders of Israel, it is the people who appointed a Melek, independent of the original order and leadership authority, as a defiant act (Deut. 17:14-15; 28:36; Hoshea 8:4)
  • In fact, establishing an independent supreme Melek, resulted in the exact opposite of what Shaphatim and Cohanim did for Israel. The former led to their enslavement, while the latter led to their redemption, liberation & restoration. This is why Israel split into two nations and virtually self-destructed because Judah wanted to be defiant & have their own King & anointed King David over the Tribe of Judah(not Israel), and the Israelites refused to recognize him, yet still they too were in error because they also had Kings that disrupted the original order and authority of Yahwah, leading to both being weakened and miserably losing a war to both Assyria and Babylon.

    It was only after the exile and restoration under Ezra & Nehemiah that, rather than re-install a non-Torah Davidic Kingdom line(an abominable line at that), the Hebrews returned unto the Torah & installed the Levitical priest Yahoshua as Rabbi-Cohen and Malek(Priest-King) of Judea as Elah originally ordained in the Torah(Zacharia chapter 3 & 6:9-15; Malaki 2:4-7; Ezra 5:1-2). Later after the Greeks tried to oppress & overthrow the Hebrew Leadership, the Priest Judas Maccaby rose up and liberated the Hebrews yet again, and rededicated the Temple and re-installed the Priest King Leadership via the Hasmoneans.
  • Under Torah law, the Rabbi-Cohen(Cohen HaGadol), was designed to be a Priest-King. The Testament of the 12 Patriarch, Book of Moses( Jubilees) & Dead Sea Scrolls make this plain and clear. The Kingship & Messiahship was given to the tribe of Lewy as that is whom Elah made a covenant with as it relates to being the foundational governing leadership of Israel. The very first King of Israel was the Levitical Priest who founded Israel, Moses(Duet 33:4-5; Saul was not the 1st King, he was the first to fulfill a foreign rulership role over Israel). After the Kings of both Israel and Judah all but ensured the total destruction of the Hebrew peoples & were exiled, Yahwah raised up Levitical Priests, the lawgivers, to rebuild the Hebrew peoples & restore the proper order of Torah leadership.
  • The Chief Executive Administrative Minister, formerly and erroneously called a Melek, became a Pechah & assisted the Rabbi-Cohen in a governor capacity. Yahoshua Son of Nun was the first example of a Pechah, an assistant to Moses, our great Rabi.

    Zerubbabel, the grandson of the last King of Judah is also an example of this, as he operated under the authority of & assisted Yahoshua the High Priest who was crowned a priest-king.

    The two olive trees that stand at the left and right of the Lampstand(Zachariah 4:1-14) refer to The Priestly Messiah(Rabbi-Cohen) as the Lampstand & Master(Adon), & the olive trees represent the Assistant Messiah of Judah(or Ephraim) & The Messiah Prophet. Elah makes clear that the Priest is the “Messenger of the Covenant”(Malaki/Meleki 2:7). He also speaks of this same Messenger in Malaki 3:1-3, who prepares the Way for Yahwah & is also the same Adon that everyone seeks as he comes to his Temple, and he is empowered to purify the Levitical priesthood & restore the sons of Lewy.  
    The book of Jubilees, Enoch and Testament of the 12 Patriarchs in addition to the     Dead Sea Scrolls, speaks of two Messiahs and a Prophet. The Messiah of Lewy, a Rabbi-    Cohen is the Supreme Eternal Atoning Messiah(Only priests can make atonement, not any other tribe), the Messiah of Judah(or Ephraim) is specifically mentioned as being subservient to & a governing assistant to the Messiah of Lewy & the Messiah Prophet/Judge. This is in stark contrast with the erroneous post-biblical doctrines of both Christianity and Rabbinical  Judaism that teaches the rise of a false messiah that comes from David(Testament of the 12  patriarchs make clear that the Davidic style Kingship was and is a false office and leadership position that is directly responsible for the introduction of foreign practices into Judaism & Hebrew culture). The tribes of Israel, other than Judah & some Benjamites, never considered David or Solomon as important figures in Hebrew history. They were never accepted because their position was anti-Torah & is associated with the curses of the Torah upon the Hebrew peoples.
  • The proper designation of a Malak is Malchi-Zadik which is a title of the Rabbi-Cohen
  • It should have already become noticeable that the Book of Malaki is very similar to the word Melek. Malaki(Malachi) means messenger and can also refer to a priest, prophet, king, Shaliach(ambassador of the government) & also divine beings commonly called Angels.
  • The chief Pechah, assistant to the Rabbi Cohen, is a Rabbi-Shalet & is the head of the executive authorities that extend to each Tribe, community, and ministry in Israel. The executive authorities would be the mayors/rulers/leaders of each community, ministry, or district.. In this respect, such chief executive authorities of a particular community, city, or ministry would be designated as “Shalets”, Rosh or SharsA chief Baker or Chef at a restaurant, for example, is a “Shar Aphah”(Genesis 40:6), An official, chieftain or captain of the Hebrew Kingdom is also a Shar or even the General of the Military is Shar(Joshua 5:14).  Ironically during the rulership of Saul, David after fleeing from him, became a defacto Shar over some Hebrew peoples, particularly those of the tribe of Judah(1 Samuel 22:2)

    The appointed Chiefs amongst the Levitical Priests are known as Shar Cohen(Ezra 8:24-29).
    The head Elders(fathers) of the tribes & communities(not to be confused with the 70 Elders) are called Shar Zaqen or Shar Ab
  • Thus at the community, tribal and ministry level the three branches of power to operate would be the Legislative local Tsar Cohen with a city council of Elders(Zaqenim/Ab), a Shalet(Mayor) & a Shaphat.  
  • The local lay religious leader of a Hebrew congregation that may or may not be a Levitical priest is a Ro-ee(Pastoral Shepard). The Rabbi-Cohen being chief leader over all the congregations, ministries, districts, tribes, communities & every position of leadership within the Hebrew communities,  is also called an Archi-Synagogues(i.e. Jewish Bishop) and also known as Nasi, being the Head of the Rab’ Beth Din(Supreme Court). Nasi can also apply to local heads of communities as well (Genesis 23:5; Exodus 16:22; 22:28; Numbers 1:16)

    Daniel as example of a Rabbi-Shalet
    Dan 2:47  The sovereign answered Dani’ĕl, and said, “Truly your Elah is the Elah of elahin, the Master of sovereigns, and a revealer of secrets, since you were able to reveal this secret.”  Dan 2:48  Then the sovereign made Dani’ĕl great(Aramaic Rabah) and gave him many great gifts, and made him ruler(Shalet) over all the province of Baḇel, and chief(Rabbi) of the nobles, over all the wise ones of Baḇel.
    Academic System
    When Yeshiva’s are established under the Jewish Academic system(Jewish Ministry of Education), the appointed teachers within the Yeshiva at the Elementary, high school, and University/College levels are called L’madim(Teachers) who teach Talmidim(disciples).
  • The head of the Yeshiva, the equivalent to a Principal is a Moreh
  • The Chief Leader appointed by the Levitical Priesthood, to preside over the entire Academic system(i.e. Gov’t Department of Education) would be a “Rabbi-Moreh or Shar Moreh”-Chief Teacher
  • A Moreh Tzadik is also the title of the Rabbi-Cohen, especially in Essene Judaism (Joel 2:23). The Chief Priest who founded the Essene Jewish Sect is called a Moreh Tzadik in the Dead Sea Scrolls and is understood to be the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy. However, all of the Moreh’s of Israel are supposed to be teachers of righteousness. Moreh’s do not operate in the capacity of Priests or Jewish Pastors unless they are commissioned to such position. They have no authority to establish Halacha or impose theological interpretations upon the Hebrew Community. A Moreh is a lay position and helps ministry, not a foundational Covenant Leadership.
  • Notice in each of these instances above, the title Rabbi is used. However, except for the Rabbi Cohen(High Priest), it is a chief position that is appointed by a higher authority. It is in essence a Jewish Helps ministry and leadership like the Moreh, Shaliach(Ambassador) etc. Thus, Rabbinical Judaism is without a foundation with Rabbis as its supreme leader and Black Hebrews are in error by establishing Moreh’s as their chief leaders, as neither are in alignment with the Torah and how Elah has established anointed Leadership for Hebrew communities and our Nation to operate and function properly. Considering the amount of education, knowledge and wisdom a Moreh would be required to have obtained in order to qualify to be the head of the entire Jewish Ministry of Education or local principal or President of a college or school, it would be a serious error to have most Black Hebrews, who call themselves Moreh, to actually fulfill such, considering the low academic achievement levels amongst Black Hebrews and the lack of higher education of the defactor Moreh’s who are turning black Hebrews into twice the sons and daughters of hell in the most ignorant of ways.
    These errors of doing as one sees right in their own eyes, a blatant violation of the Torah, places a significant stumbling block before the people of Judaism & Israel, and thus because of the lack of Torah foundation, we see massive corruption in Rabbinical Judaism & Black Hebrewism. Even the Orthodox Jews of the Ashkenazi’s have fallen from The Way, and have let abominations such as LGBTQ creep into their communities and congregations, making them no different from Reformed & Reconstructionist corrupt Judaism, while Black Hebrewism is crippled with domestic violence against women and children, murder, drugs, gang members, murderers, rapists, child molesters and outright dull-witted people trying to be something they clearly aren’t.

    An Ashkenazi Rabbinic Jew who reads this summary will immediately notice the striking differences between biblical leadership titles and positions vs. post-biblical titles and positions of Rabbinical Judaism. Well, it doesn’t stop there. Move forward with reading the book, “Developing and Establishing Effective Leadership”, and the book “The Way, the Prophetic Messianic Voice” and you will find the plot thickens and you’ll see just how far removed modern Rabbinic Judaism & Black Hebrewism is from Torah traditions.

Dr. Rabbi Cohen Shalomim Y. HaLahawi
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