Cushite Hebrew International®

 Mizrahi Netzarim International Rabbinical Council® A Division of Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad®

Debarim 16:18-20; 17:8-23; A legally constituted Ecclesiastical-Sacerdotal Jurisdiction & Legislative-Halachic Authority. Arbitration,  Family/Divorce & business conflict resolution Association. Establishing Justice, Justness  & Right Ruling for the Diaspora

Kohan HaLahawi is Affiliated with the National Association of Certified Mediators 

CHI® Mizrahi Netzarim International Rabbinical Council® serves as the Leadership Board &  Sovereign Sacerdotal Theocratic  ecclesiastical governmental authority of the Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad®, established, rooted and authorized by and in conformity too the ancient Torah Law codes given unto the Hebrew peoples through Moshe and the successive prophetic priesthood of the Netzarim Essenes.

NOTE: If you are an ordained Rabbi or Kohan who would like to serve on the Council or would like to recieve Rabbinical training through apprenticeship, please contact us

 The Council consists of authorized Ministry departments that function to implement and promote effective and authorized Torah based leadership structure & order; Spiritual, cultural and community growth and development; Hebrew education; financial and economical development; Holistic and Natural Medicine, health and rehabilitation; International & Intra-national religious and secular Diplomatic relations with other ministries, organizations, communities, sovereign governments, associations & NGO's etc..

 Our Sacred Constitution in the section of Debarim(Duet. 16:18-20; 17:8-23 gives the basis of our establishment of (A) the Bi-Cameral Legislative Board(Knesset) which consists of the Levitical Priesthood(12) and Nazarite laymen Rabbinical/priestly order(12) serving as the  Halachic Advisory Board  to the Supreme Halachic Council of the Holy 12 under the Divine Leadership of the Rabi-Kohan(Chief Priest & the Sovereign Theocratic Sacerdotal Leader), in which all other authorized Boards and offices are subservient to. (B)the Legally Constituted Rabbinical court(Beth Din) of Ecclesiastical and Sacerdotal Jurisdiction serving affiliated and unaffiliated Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad/Edenic Hebrew Kingdom Israelites-Jews and gentiles, including the entire spectrum of the Mizrahi Netzarim Israelite Jewish community. (c) the Executive Administrative council, consisting of Business/Community board of directors who work under the Ministry leadership of the Melek-Zadik whose office itself is to assist the Rabi-Kohan in all business related matters of the Kingdom Communities, Organizations & Ministries.

The Councils are empowered with the responsibility of administering the legal, business and Judicial/Arbitration aspects of Jewish-Israelite law in regards to disputes(Family, Divorce, civil. religious/spiritual, cultural & business), cultural & spiritual living & proper halachic lifestyles & ethics. We don't practice Secular Law, but Jewish-Israelite Law, a different, distinct, jurisdiction(Separation of Religion & State). However the Council is responsible for applying legal laws and procedures in regards to interpretation of Jewish Contracts, due process,  adhering to legal guidelines and other state and federal laws, to ensure all rulings of arbitration procedures are legally binding and upheld in secular courts. There's also responsibility for paralegal aspects of document preparation & all civil disputes are in accordance to the rules & procedures of secular law in accordance to the American Arbitration Association.

All Arbitration proceedings are Legally binding under International, federal, state & local law and are upheld in all Judicial Jurisdictions.

CHI Ketubah Agreement
The Council strongly encourages Israelite-Jewish couples getting married to obtain the Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad Kebubah Agreement. Mandatory for all members!!! (obtain a ketubah contract today 299.00)
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Mizrahi Rabbinical Beth Din(Court) adjudication of Business-commercial, Communal-civil, Religious, cultural and matrimonial conflicts between Members, Member communities, Member organizations and applicants who seek our services. Cases are decided under Israelite-Jewish law, in accordance to the standards of the American Arbitration association . we provide mediation services to solve congregation disputes and bring healing and resolutions to rifts and splits between communities, leaders, saints etc. Our goal is to provide effective routes of restoration and healing where everyone wins & is happy.
Pre-Arbitration Conflict Resolution Mediation services also available

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Marriage & Divorce:

Israelite Nissuin(Marriage) through issuance of Ketubahs & divorce through the issuance of a get (Israelite-Jewish writ of divorce), overseen by expert and sensitive Levitical priests and rabbis.

Rabbinical & Professional Ecclesiastical Ordinations, Certifications & Licensures:

As an International Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction & Leadership representation of the Netzarim Community in all aspects of Spiritual, Family & Business endeavors, it is the responsibility of the Rabbinical Council to authorize & implement various boards to establish principles, guide-lines, qualifications and rules for the regulation of professional pastoral occupations, including the educational requirements for Certifications, Licensures and/or Ordinations. As a Religious Community and International Kingdom community, kingdom business must be established to effectively expand the Kingdom.

Pastoral Professions include: Netzarim Rabbi's & Kohanim(Priests), Israelite Ministerial Leaderships (Nabi, Shaliachs, Morehs, Maggids), Pastoral Psychologists, Missionary, Monastic , Humanitarian, Integrative Medicine, Integrative Pastoral Medicine & Eastern Medicine Physicians & practitioners(Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Primary Integrative Family Life Care, Pastoral Oriental Massage/Physiotherapy etc),  Ministerial Social Workers, Hebrew Education etc....  Such professions will be regulated under the CHI Mizrahi Netzarim Rabbinical Council or  the CHI Integrative Pastoral Medical Association & Apprenticeship & Certification Board of Integrative & Pastoral Medicine®

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Other Services:

Advice regarding complex issues under Netzarim Israelite-Jewish law, including business halacha, determination of Israelite-Jewish legal status of individuals (such as Ethnic, Israelite Jewish, marital and kohen, ministerial status), common law/cultural-Religious name changes, membership status etc.

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