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Faith-Based Medicine of the 21st Century 

   Update Notice:   In order to prevent confusion of the public due to other organizations engaging in copyright and trademark infringement by using a similar name as the Integrative Pastoral Medical Association, including IPMA and PMA, and to ensure the Integrity of our Associations name & reputation is not attached to or associated with the negative publicity and reputation of other organizations, The Board has chosen to change the name of this Association to "The American Association of Integrative & Pastoral Medicine© & the Apprenteiceship & Certification Board of Integrative & Pastoral Medicine respectively. All practitioners with legitimate certifications and licensures in Pastoral Medicine© will have a "®registered certification mark symbol after their Certification (i.e. Doctor of Pastoral Medicine®, Doctor of Integrative Pastoral Health® etc).
Any practitioner holding themselves out to be licensed or certified in Pastoral Medicine, but does not have the ®Registered Certfiication Mark, are NOT authorized by the AAIPM® and ACBIPM®. Any practitioner who uses any certification mark, without authorization by the ACBIPM, AAIPM, holding themselves out to be practitioners of Pastoral Medicine/Integrative Pastoral Medicine, will be liable & prosecuted for fraudulent use of a protected certification mark & regulated healthcare/Pastoral Care profession.

ACBIPM/AAIPM is the only National Board that is authorized to issue Pastoral Medical Licensing and Board Certifications. Any other organization that does so is engaging in fraudulent and illegal activity, as well as engaging in gross ethics violations.  We will add all practitioners who fraudulently hold themsleves out to be practitioners of Pastoral Medicine®, to a public published black list & such names will remain public until they have proven they are no longer engaging in fraud by associating themselves with fraudulent PO Box Pastoral Medicine scams.

 The National Commission for the Apprenticeship & Certification Board of Integrative & Pastoral Medicine®(NC-ACBIPM)  & The American Association of Integrative and Pastoral Medicine© also legally & formally known as the Integrative Pastoral Association® IPMA, USPTO Patent), CHI-Hebrew Pastoral Medical Association(CHI-HPMA), Jewish Pastoral Medical Association(JPMA), Jewish Pastoral Medical Association for Integrative Medicine(JPMAIM) or the Association for Pastoral Healthcare & Integrative Medicine(APHIM)® , is a Charter of the Cushite Hebrew International(CHI) Mizrahi Ethiopian Jewish International Rabbinical Council(Jerusalem Israel), a traditional Jewish Community.

The current CEO of AAIPM is Dr. Shalomim Y HaLahawi MD(AM), PsyD, ND, Ph.D, DPH, DFM, BC-OMD, Lic.PMD, Rabbi.  He is an ordained Jewish Rabbi of the Orthodox Mizrahi branch of Judaism, a Doctor of Integrative Medicine, Doctor of Pastoral Psychology & world reknowened author & lecturer. AAIMP is one of the oldest Pastoral Medical Associations in the United states serving the Jewish & Interfaith community, continuing a long tradition of Talmudic based medical sciences passed down from generation to generation. 

Envisioned & established under executive charter in 1996 by a group of Jewish elders, Board of directors  and healthcare professionals(Then ITCC Association of Natural Health, Holistic Counseling & Therapeutic Ministry) under the Original Organization then called Visions of Dreams Prophetic Faith Jewish International & Israelite Torah Covenant Community Ministries(Incorporated under the State of Florida) &  re-organized  in 1999 as an un-incorporated non profit religious association & renamed Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad & re-organized again in its current stage under the Revised Articles of Association of the Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad in 2004 as an ecclesiastical ordination & occupational licensing authority for the Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad department of evidence and Faith Based Medicine & Integrative Healthcare .

We certify & issue Class B Occupational licenses(Certification Marks) to practitioners who have established themselves & graduated from Colleges, Institutionss or Apprenticeship programs that teach & train  practitioners in pastoral healthcare, and who integrate evidence based natural holistic healthcare with faith based teachings, such as  the Jewish-Israelite Torah, Ayurvedic & Talmudic roots to Natural Medicine & Primary Healthcare Sciences aka Integrative Family Life Care® based on a system of medicine & healthcare that has evolved for over 6000 years in the Near East. All practitioners must meet the high standards, educational and clinical skills requirements as filed with the Federal USTPO & puslished herein under educational requirements in order to obtain any license or registrations.

Our CEO is an Ordained Rabbi, Levitical Priest & Integrative Naturopathic Physician(Read more on what is Integrative Pastoral Medicine) & oversees & delegates powers to administrate  the daily operations of every aspect of the Edenic Kingdom Civilization & AAIPM which is a ministry department of a larger purpose. We are a Federally & Internationally registered/chartered  Inter-Faith Based Regulatory Board for "Integrative Pastoral Medicine,  Pastoral Counseling & Humanitarian Medicine" Professions for faith based & diaspora communities".  We are also officially Internationally Affiliated/Registered with the United Nations as a Civil Society Organization for Economic & Social Affairs . We offer Class B Occupational Certification Marks & Licensure, Board Certifications, Registrations & Commissions under Kingdom Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction to serve the Edenic Kingdom communities to qualified practitioners based on high strict Torah based standards & qualification. All are welcomed to apply regardless of religious or faith based affiliations!



Note:  AAIPM® should not be confused with the Pastoral Medical Association(PMA), a separate & different Christian based Organization established in 2010 aka World Organization of Natural Medicine Practitioners. The

Please review our Articles of Association filed and Registered in 2004

This is also Notice and Public Alert of Certification Mark Trade-mark Registration for "Integrative Pastoral Medicine"  with the United States Patent & Trademark Office(http://www.uspto.gov), Registration #  85247847 owned by the Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad and the Integrative Pastoral Medical Association. No rights or permission is given to any organization or entity, ecclesiastical or secular to use our registered Certification Mark without our express written permission and license to do so. Violators can be Prosecuted under Federal Law!!!  Click here to review our original Articles of Association publicly filed and recorded August 8, 2004 Page 21, 23,  24, 26, 33 all mention integrative pastoral medicine and also pastoral medicine. Page 38 Section O) shows authorization for us to issue licensing and permits to practice . Page 42 defines our Ecclesiastical Ordinations and Licensing which includes Pastoral Medicine and Pastoral Counseling. Signed Notary etc are all evidence of public record in addition to UCC Court & State filings in both Florida & Georgia referencing our claims of the same. After we felt infringement we filed additional legal papers to assert  & protect our claim & intellectual ideas. We swear & make in Oath on the bible & the throne of the Eternal Creator Yahweh Elohenu that these are truthful and factual statements, to be of our informed  knowledge. These statements are true, correct & complete. We explicitly reserve all of our Unalienable rights, without prejudice.

Cushite Hebrew Yeshiva Open International Institute for Eastern Medicine- The Premier Institute providing Apprenticeship based Distant Learning Programs in Leadership and Natural Medicine- Click here for more info Comment

Edenic Light Integrative Family Life Care Center
The Kingdom solution of providing advance innovative healthcare. Established as a Primary Integrative Family Life Care, the Naturopathic Primary Healthcare of the 21st Century, we specialize in Biological Medicine, Ortho-Molecular Medicine, Spagyric Homeopathic Medicine & Oriental Medicine. Affiliated with registered FDA/cGMP compliant Pharmacies & Despensaries Comment

Sickle Thalassemia Association
This is the Alternative Medical Association & Institute providing research & Holistic solutions to improving the quality of life of those who suffer from Sickle Cell and Sickle Thal Disease. Also exposing the dangers of Hydroxyurea and its detrimental effects on sickle cell patients. Medical Genocide? you decide for yourself!. Comment

©1996- 2011 Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad. Integrative Family Life Care® & Integrative Pastoral Medicine®,  MyWebPMD®, are registered certification trademarks of Edenic-Light Integrative Family Life Care®, a Division of Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad. Information pertaining to our Integrative Pastoral Medicine & Pastoral Counseling Services can be found in our Association Charter Conformed & Executed in 2004All health news, tips and services are for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your health care practitioner or other professional, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information we provide for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before following any advice or health information found on the ACBIPM® website, or before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. We are a Hebrew based Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that provides Integrative Jewish Pastoral Care education, training and development, focusing on Naturopathic Eastern Medicine, Pastoral Psychotherapy & Wellness for the Spirit-Soul & Body. Licensure & Certifications are Ecclesiastical Licensing and are not to be confused with Government Licensure. All legal complaints and proceedings arising out of usage of this website, licensure and any other services rendereed are handled through the Cushite Hebrew International Mizrahi Netzarim Rabbinical Council. All Applicants and users of this website hereby legally agree and consent to binding arbitration to settle any disputes, Lawsuits or any other matter related to usage of our services. Furthermore Licensee, Patients and/or clients legally understand that Pastoral Medicine is not the practice of conventional medicine as defined by the FDA and AMA and services rendered are deemed Pastoral Care and exempt from state and federal medical licensure. All Licensee are bound by any agreements, decrees & all policies a set forth by the Integrative Pastoral Medical Association aka Apprenticeship & Certification Board of Integrative & Pastoral Medicine®