

Innovative Pastoral Medicine & Pastoral Counseling for the 21st Century

Ask a Integrative Pastoral Naturopathic Doctor or Pastoral Counselor* Your Health/Mind/body or Spiritual Question or Schedule for our Integrative Family Life Care® Services


Are you feeling sick and having symptoms, yet your Doctor has told you that there's nothing wrong with you? That your labs are normal, but you don't feel normal? Has your MD refused to give further analysis and you need HELP? Worried about  developing Cancer, Diabetes, Lupus, Sexual Dysfunction, Early Menopause etc? Are you having spiritual, emotional or other inner imbalances, which your Physician or Psychiatrist is unable to address through conventional means? We are your Kingdom alternative solution and Choice to getting answers.

You need to take your Analysis a step further & exercize your faith in the Eternal Creators Science & Integrative Pastoral Medicine® & Pastoral Counseling combined to recieve the most advanced healing & balancing therapies of the 21st Century!! We can Help through our Comprehensive evidence based Wellness Profilles.

We offer a unique private In office or virtual office pastoral experience. We take you out of the Hospital-Clinical setting and offer a relaxing at home environment experience. We follow all HIPAA, public health, Federal, State, Local and Privacy laws. We use only modern updated advance state of the art assessment and wellness techniques. We address all of our clients needs and concerns during your visits. You will not be rushed. We give our clients up to 2 hours of complete attention for thorough pastoral Integrative health assessment and consults. We cover all areas of clients physical health, mental health & spiritual concerns and needs. We respect our clients opinions and knowledge and give them the power to help implement the best effective & cost effective therapy plans we offer according to their financial situations. We respect our clients spiritual and cultural beliefs and encourage them to incorporate their unique belief systems into their therapy plans as part of the Integrative Pastoral Wellness process. We provide comprehensive health and wellness education about our clients conditions & wellbeing. We pride ourselves on client enlightenment and self-empowerment so that you can experience optimal results and total healing!!!

Get answers & a thorough evaluation of your health and Wellness concerns from a board certified & licensed Doctor of Integrative Pastoral Medicine® and/Pastoral Counseling. You may schedule for a full office or National Virtual Office consult & "Comprehensive Wellness Assessment" or you may ask specific Pre-appt or general health questions through email or phone pre-consult. Simply select and pay for the service you desire below.

Our Main Specialties: 

  • Primary Pastoral Care aka Integrative Family Life Care®

  • Integrative Pastoral Hematology & Oncology Support(especially Sickle Cell & Thalassemia, Cancer(Breast, Prostate, Uterine etc)

  • Naturopathic & Integrative Support for Infectious Disease(HPV, Herpes etc)

  • Naturoapthic Womens Health, Maternity Care & Pastoral Pediatrics Support

  • Integrative Naturopathic Mens Health Support

  • Integrative & Pastoral Assessments:  Support, Education & guidance in regards to Naturopathic Pastoral Gynecological Care, HSV II(herpes), HPV(human papilloma virus), Thyroid Dysfunction, Graves Disease, food and environmental allergies, high blood pressure, cholesterol, respiratory disorders, diabetic disorders, prostatitis, Alternative AIDS support,   Pastoral Naturopathic Psychiatry/Counseling,  Pastoral Maternity Wellness & care Support, nutritional support,   homo-toxicology(true detox) & lymph support, weight loss & vegetarian dietary guidance,  compromised immune systems(& infectious disease support), Pastoral healthcare guicance for sexual dysfunction, confusion & balancing, STD wellness assessments & prevention programs,    Education and gudiance in pharmacology & natural pain control, Naturopathic Pastoral Pediatrics support, spiritual guidance as it pertains to optimal health & healing.

Your satisfaction is assured. For pre-consults through email or phone you are offered one follow-up question for any additional clarity(email) you may need regarding the answer provided by a MyWebPMD physician.

Join the many satisfied customers who have utilized the MyWebPMD® service to schedule complete thorough assessments at affordable online specials or to get a Pre-Consult and receive insightful answers to pressing health concerns from a Doctor of Integrative Naturopathic Medicine & Pastoral Healthcare.

Our Innovative Pastoral Primary Integrative Family Life Care® Services are both in office or via National Virtual office, serving patients across the country in virtually all 45 states**. We are partnered with Licensed CLIA Labs that provides state of the art scientific assessment profile procedures for thousands of wellness profiles in a area near your Zip code.

We are licensed to practice Integrative Pastoral Medicine® & Pastoral Counseling under faith based initiative & registered with many FDA/cGMP registered Naturopathic and Homeopathic Pharmacies and Dispensaries located in the United States that provide all clinically proven natural prescriptions that our Integrative Pastoral Doctors & Specialists write for our clients. These Pharmacies can have all  your prescriptions shipped directly to your door anywhere in the United States & Internationally as quick as the Next Day*(except Int'l; shipping & Handling prices vary)!! All Prescriptions are Homeopathic, Chinese Medicine, Homotoxicology and Ayurvedic that are clinically developed and studied and are evidence based!!  We do NOT use any Conventional Allopathic Medicine in any form as used by Conventional Licensed Medical Doctors. We use only FDA/cGMP manufactured & compliant Natural Medicines and Therapies that are designed to produce real results!!

Shalomim Y HaLahawi, PsyD(PC), NMD(P) , PMD


Standard Priority
 Only $15 per question(email). 25.00 Per Phone Consultation call(15 minutes max!! No Execptions, additional minutes requires payment for full Consult and Assessment!!) & 45.00 for 30minute Women's Consult with our Naturopathic Women's Specialist.
Your question will be answered or you will receive a call within 48-72 hours.  

 (Phone calls for Domestic USA only. International callers will be provided with a number to call us)

Comprehensive Wellness Services not available in MA, MD, ND, NE, NJ, NY, RI, SD, and VT

Naturopathic Consult Options

Need to see a Integrative Pastoral Naturopathic Doctor or Pastoral Counselor for a Comprehensive Wellness Assessment?*

Schedule an appointment for full services online

New Reduced Pastoral Doctors Consult fees (Reg. 95.00) now 75.00 online only! Limited Time** Plus affordable comprehensive wellness assessments & labs for virtually all health issues. Evidence based & Scientific based.

Choose Pastoral Medical Services(4.9% Admin Fee Applied ot rate)
Click here for Sample Wellness Profiles above

Men & Womens Health Specialty Profiles(includes Pastoral Doctor Consult fees)

Womens Health Profiles
Click here for Sample Wellness Profiles above

Mens Health Profiles

Allergy Wellness Profiles

              Nutritional & Vitamin Assessments

(Contact our appt line for rates of other labs we have available. You must prepay for services before we schedule an appointment for you, no exceptions).

Women need a routine gynecological Wellness assessment, We offer Pastoral-Naturopathic Gynecology Wellness profiles & Support solutions for you.

Download All Wellness Forms Here.
Email Naturopathic@edenic-kingdom.com 
Fax: 866-357-6267

Privacy Policy

 Health-Wellness  History Forms            

Consent & Indemnity Forms

Medical Release Forms

Medical History Forms(used only for Flu Pandemic)

If you have any medical files from a previous physician please make sure to fax them to our office before your scheduled appt: We only accept labs & diagnostics taken within the past 60 days from other Licensed Physicians. We do not accept lab tests from online self testing sites. No Exceptions!! If you do not have valid lab tests from a physician performed within the past 60 days, you will be required to have Labs as part of your comprehensive wellness assessment. Labs fees vary based on testings required. See and Select above for more info.

If you do not see a Health Profile that fits your health needs above, please call our office and we will send you an invoice via email for the appropriate Comprehensive Healthcare Assessment specific to your health needs.




3695F Cascade Rd SW #117, Atlanta Ga. 30331
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©2004-2011, MyWebPMD, Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad. All rights reserved. MyWebPMD® is the Property of the Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad. No permission is granted to use this name, logo or name in any form or fashion without authorized permission.

*Comprehensive Wellness Assessment includes blood lab, urinalysis, heavy metal testing as apart of patient/client intake(in office visits only, virtual office includes only comprehensive blood lab and comprehensive consultation). The price online is only if client prepays for service before appointment. If patient only prepays for General Assessment & then chooses to add the Lab assessment during the visit, the online cost will not apply. A service charge will be added. Online rates are for online booking only. If client needs assessment for other health-wellness issues, please contact our appointment line for rates and we will send an invoice for prepayment. The reduced Physician assesment fee will apply when paid through invoice plus Lab fees

**All appointments must be pre-paid through our appointment line 678-536-8016 or online either through paypal or Betterfly link on our site. Online Reduced rate of **75.00 applies to pre-payments online only. Any pre-payments through our appointment line,  in office or mailed money orders for virtual office will be billed at regular physician assessment fee of 95.00, except for sickle cell clients, who pay a flat assessment fee(labs not included)

**The following states cannot be processed for Wellness Assessments- Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, or New Jersey


As required by Law with all herbal supplements, we must inform you that these statements have not been reviewed by the FDA. None of the statements are intended to treat, cure or diagnose any disease. All statements on this page are for educational purposes only.

Disclaimer: our test kits are for educational and research only, they are not intended to be used to diagnose, cure or treat any medical condition.

You do not need your medical doctor to order this test for you. Our practitioners has been approved by the lab(s) to order testing for people.