Cushite Hebrew International®
rahi Yisrayli International Rabbinical Council®

                               A Division of the Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad®

 Adenic Kingdom Civilization® International Kingdom Societies of the Orthodox  Mizrahi  Jewish-Israelites™ 

United Nations Affiliated & registered-Global Impact Division & Civil Society Division, Econmic Development Division. Afffilaited to the International Association of Educators for World Peace(UNESCO, UN)

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Yahwah ELah and Ha' Ruwah Qodesh are the Keys to the foundation of the Torah and finding the Truth of the Garden of Eden. Seek Knowledge and seek the Way above and beyond just religion. Mizrahi Judaism is cultural and nationalistic Judaism. We aspire to build a Kingdom of Peace, Love and Brotherhood!!

 "The Way! The global  Adenic Kingdom Civilization without borders. Establishing Effective Jewish-Israelite Leadership, building sustainable Adenic societies, promoting Natural Law, Rural humanitarian, Pastoral & emergency medicine, Integrative Family Life Care® & human rights to Govt's & Nations around the world"   Over 20 years of service to humanity!! 

Mizrahi Jewish Israelite Online Study Tools-Jewish Culture and Law


Jewish Law Torah Study Links-For Culture Ingraftment

Important sites to use while ingrafting yourself into and growing spiritual, intellectually and culturally in Judaism, whether it be Mizrahi, Sephardi or Ashkenazi. These links are very important.

The Way the Prophetic Messianic Voice.....                   (non messianic/non christian)

The Way! the Prophetic Messianic Voice to the Path of the Edenic Kingdom Redemption by Rabbi Shalomim Y. Halahawi (Book) in Religion & SpiritualityThis is a very powerful foundational manual for the serious Talmidim looking to ground him/herself in the Ancient Judaic culture, above and beyond modern man-made religion. This is the book Christians, black hebrew israelites, messianics and messianic Nazarenes hope you never read, because it reveals the systematic coverup and deliberate omissions of the fundamental Torah-Judaic scriptures as found in the Ethiopian Bible and Dead Sea Scrolls Bible and the deliberate attempt to create a psuedo-religious ideology rooted in taking advantage of human ignorance. No other Black Jewish Rabbi and priest has written such a comprehensive book in english to help return the people unto the Way.

This books is apart of a two manual awakening series and audio series designed to root and ground you in the Ethnic and Spiritual Culture of Israel, prepare those who are called for leadership and help you understand and incorporate the Trueh Ruwah Qodesh, the Most important and essential Spirit neccessary to even begin to walk and Live the Torah..Click on the book for more info.


E-Sword Desktop Bible Study tools w/the Scriptures(Insitute for scripture research)

Click on the icon to the Left to download the esword bible software to your computer. Add bibles, lexicons, strongs concordances, complete works of Josephus and more...

Also add the famous "The Scriptures" from the Institute for Scripture research to esword for free.. Click here to download "the Scriptures for e-sword.


Old Testament Psuedipigrapha/Ethiopian & Mizrahi Essene Bible Scriptures

These scriptures were written 1000 before the Meseretic text of the Pharisees. They represent the most authentic and accurate history and records of Ancient Israel as confirmed via the Ethiopian Bible and the Essene Bible which are the oldest scriptures in the World

Please beware that these are online translations and some translations do not reflect the original meanings as found in the actural psuedipigrapha. These links are provided to give you an idea and is not meant to be used as authortitative or final in your studies and understanding of Mizrahi (Eastern) Jewish culture.  Click the Picture above to read the Scriptures online.

Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls, Written by a variant sect associated with Essene-Netzarim

This is a introduction to the Branch of Ancient Judaism that preserved the oldest and origital scriptures, whcih the Ethiopian Jews and Coptics inherited. The Netzarim Essenes are one of three main-stream branches of Judaism that existed long before Jesus/Yeshua or Christianity. The other two being the Pharisees(P'rushim) and the Sadducees(Zadokites, Tzadokim).. Netzarim Essenes should never be confused with Christian Nazarenes. They are not the same nor hold the same beliefs. Netzarim Judaism is a Orthodox Branch of Mizrahi Judaism.


Complete Works of Josephus-The Galilean Levitical Priest of the P'rushim

The complete works of Josephus serves as the biggest witness against the False corrupted Mesoretic Text that omitted over 1000 years of Hebrew History. Josephus uses a very ancient text of the Hebrews to record our history. This book fills in the blanks that are missing. He is strikingly different from Philo of Alexandia, as Philo records very important historical facts of ancient Judaism, but still uses the historical records that is 1000 years less than Josephus historical records.The Book complete works of Josephus contains Dissertations that reveal the  rejection by the Majority of the ancient Jews of the Mesoretic text because it was deemed the most corrupted ...Click the picture to the right.


Complete Works of Philo of Alexandria

Philo is also another important recorder of ancient Hebrew documents, that the mesoretic text and religious judaism omitts. He includes extensive commentaries and explainations of Ancient Judaic Law. This is definetly for those looking to become rabbis and priests, and along with all of the other many writings of Ancient Israel are looking to become master teachers of our culture. Click on the picture to the left


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