Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad®

Edenic Hebrew Kingdom® International Order of the Orthodox Mizrahi Netzarim Israelite-Jews™

Member of the I.A.E.W.P- an affiliate of United Nations, UNICEF & UNESCO  

   "The Way! The global Kingdom without borders, Establishing Effective Jewish-Israelite Leadership, building sustainable Edenic societies, promoting Natural Law, Rural humanitarian medicine, Integrative Family Life Care® & human rights to Govt's & Nations around the world"    

We serve to promote the sprit of brotherhood, community & kingdom building amongst all  Eastern Israelites, Jews & the engrafted goyim. regardless of skin color, Diaspora regional inheritance, Ethnic/cultural background(Ashkenazi, Sephardi or Mizrahi(eastern)) or Religious persuasion(Orthodox, Reformed, Conservative, Reconstruction or Orthodox Mizrahi Netzarim).  We also believe in restoration of love, respect & brotherhood with our cousins the Arabs, Palestinians and Persians. For in this we all can work to usher in the Kingdom of Shalom here on earth as promised by Adonenu Yahwah Elah!!

    WITCC Awakening Radio: Cutting Edge, Prophetic & Innovative Prophetic Teachings of Rabi-Kohan Shalomim  Y. HaLahawi MD(AM), DM.P, NMD

 Mizrahi Netzarim Enochic New Years(Wednesday March 23, Pesac Tues Day April 5th. We are hosting a "Members only" Memorial gathering for Pesac). Now Broadcasting: Advance Passover Course; Understanding the True 364 Day Calendar of Yahwah; the Passover Siddur


On the Miseries, destruction and Hatred in the black Hebrew Israelite religion, plus videos below!!
Rabbi-Kohane Shalomim HaLahawi NMD, DNM., D.Psy(PC), DPH., DPHC
On the Miseries and Hatred for the black Hebrew Israelite religion

(Note this Message is aimed at the Black Hebrew Israelite Sects based and bred in the United States. This has nothing to do with Black Jews in the USA and Abroad throughout Africa, the Middle East or Asia, the Legitimate people who practice and uphold the Judaic-Hebrew culture and faith with integrity)

Its about time the Truth be said and get this out of the most DEEP Parts of my spirit:

The World has grown weary and tired of black hebrew israelite sect and their destructive, unprofessional and clearly un-educated and un-skilled dumbfounded, illegitimate leaders. Most Black hebrew Israelites are like Zionist, a parasite to human progress, and insult to culture and religion and a threat to anything good and descent. My 10 years of investigation has proved my Eastern Hebrew and Jewish Rabbinical Elders, my great grandparent absolutely right. They are psychologically crazy, ghetto and gutter in their ways of life and definitely a hateful, many times violent animalistic bunch of infidels. They slander, they defame, they exploit anyone they can. They feed off of the spirits of those who are hateful, mean spirited and prone to unproductivity. most of their men are former and current criminals and felons of every crime under the sun. waiting like a wolf for innocent sheep in whom they can pounce upon to take away their souls(especially naive women in their innocence). finding every opportunity to preach death, violence and division in their pulpits and on the streets. filled with unclean souls of bad health, smoking and drinking and every other destructive act against the laws of nature in regards to the body. showing forth no outward or inward change to any enlightenment or truth. No person of good spirit would dare or think to join this fanatical sect, that doesnt even deserve to be called a Religion and definetly not a Hebrew people. Not to Mention they worship the most miserable and evil of the demonic spriits whom they call YAH. they defoul their women as whores through sex flings making as if they are married, even through the internets and other modes of unclean unions. Through irresponsible sexual acts of the gentiles, i dare not to lay with their women if i desire not contract the cluthes of satan through STD's, neither should a pure women submit to the powers of death of their unclean men. They mirror the white supremast and white Israelite churches of england whom has supplied them most of their fundamental doctrine and beliefs, along with their former Elders, the pioneers of this sect, who sold their souls to Samma'el(the Devil) through secret orders and cults. they have warmly accepted and follow after their cultural clown leaders who are mostly no more in most cases un-educated, shun and teach against Higher Education and knowledge, barely have a high school diploma, if you please!!!! Many times directly from the streets, gangbangers, pimps, players, thugs, murderers, mentally ill, child molestors, womanizers, illegitimate dead beat fathers and every other disqusting person thats not worthy to be apart of societies prestige, standing in the shoes of leadership they are far from qualified to fulfill, confusing every soul that comes within a breathes inch of their presense...! If you doubt my accussations and whistle blowing, Ask any leader yourself to PRODUCE Their papers of their qualifications from any legitimate apprenticeship or Rabbinical, Kohanim Training Order(Semikhah) by other reputable Leaders or ask them to provide evidence of any formal training skills or higher learning that qualifies them, according to global Hebrew standards, to be Israelite-Jewish leaders??.. They are the only sect that has no Legitimate Priests or Rabbis as their leaders amongst the World diaspora of Indigenous Hebrew Communities. Even the gentiles have organized religionand cultural leadership to support and guide their people.. These people do not even have sound mind to righteousless judge or follow the procedures to give righteous judgement, because they have not a right mind to see things rightly. they have nothing that any person of sound mind and wisdom would desire for elevation or enlightenment. they are like crabs who pull down and tear down anything good for humanity, peace and respect. The Ancient canaanites and babylonians can be deemed more rightous than they. Turning from gentile religions such as Christianity to the Black Hebrew Israelites is turning to become twice the sons of Hell and perdition.. for there is no redemption associated with this sect.

They hate the world and anyone who has intelligence enough not to give them any recognition as being apart of the One Human family of cultures, religions and ethnicities. to them everyone else is fake and imposters, and they are the real true Israel, being persecuted for their choseness and so-called righteousness. If you please!!!, help these people deliver themselves from themselves!! So such thing exists amongst them. The World doesnt even care of their pleas or ideologies which is of non-effect nor beneficial for any human being. If they could they would kill everyone not like them.. they are soo blood thirsty, they desire and many times, murder and sacrifice animals to demons whom they believe to be their supreme god. There is no distinction between them and other Terrorist groups, such as the Taliban, in their harsh beliefs and persecution of their women and anyone who doesnt follow their "brand" of interpretation of their christian interpreted scripture.. They have such a horrible negative destructive International global reputation that no government or people desire to have them settle within their terroritories. They are even listed on the USA governnent Terrorist List and the COINTELPRO.. in which this case, they have earned that RIGHT to be listed through their threatening, destructive and violent behaviours and ideologies. They are a threat to humanity as any other radical religious sect that preaches hate.. They are disliked by the world, NOT because they are the chosen ones, but because they are a great disturbance to everyone...

I personally would not pollute my home with any of their women who follow such mess blindly, as i might as well just choose the typical gentile woman if i desire my home to be torn to pieces and my children to be unclean. Even the Jews and eastern Israelites, who at times in their folly, whom i am proudly apart of, have accuratly described these most miserable of people. A black ghetto CULT, a Destructive one at that, who fits nothing more than a theathre for entertainment, jokes and laughter.. they could never be taken seriously or as an instrument of truth and knowledge.

IF any man or woman of good spirit and repute desire for and love their daughters and sons and wish to keep them from the pitts of hell, physical and spiritual defoulment and eternal separation, i advise them to keep them far away from this demonic sect and people.

For the RECORD: I am NOT YOUR RABBI, Nor AM i a priest of this sectarian cult, and have never been so. No affiliations ever.. EVER. Neigther am I nor any Legitimate Rabbi or Kohan subject to any illegitimate councils they have poorly organized. If at all possible I desire to see their destruction along with Zionism for the sake or humanity. I would proudly pull the plug from their lifeless religious body/sect. There is no equality between us and them, as long as they remain in their low status of that destructive, hateful, violent cult.

However should any poor soul, led astray, come into our fold seeking to be saved from this parasite religion and seeking to reform/renew their lives for the betterment of their souls, We will gladly open our arms with warmth so as to save a soul from darkness. For then we have raised the dead back to life.

May those of the Hebrew Israelite Cults who promote such filth and hatred and violent behaviour be Cursed in this World and the World to come, and may Yahwah deliver those innocent souls from the clutch of this Beast so that they may live in righteousness and Truth

I care not the opinions of those who read this letter, neither from the laymen or the elders alike,nor am i concerned with recieving respect from these people. I dont want their respect, i want them to hate me, for hating me for pointing out their psycho-social delusional behaviours, prides me in honour to the True Eternal Yahwah Elah. The feeling is very mutual. I have absolutely no ounce of respect nor care for this Sect. So let them scream in their rebuttals. I was a Rabbi before them and i will be a Greater Rabbi after they are long gone, as any other Rabbi or Priest of Truth.. I will work day and night to save innocent souls from this Demon posing as Israel(who are no more than a bunch of black hebrew speaking gentiles)!!


The prophetic Warning!!!!
Rab-Kohan Shalomim HaLahawi

           Videos showing forth the Mind of these Sects- These videos are for educational purposes only. It is up to the individual him/herself to determine the Truth-hood or falsehood of these videos


Black Israelites vs Black Israelites and Black Israelite vs Black People- including arguing about raping women



Don't take care of your children, foul language and disrespect for women doctrine


Very impressive/interesting Passover- link only!!!  But with the use of foul language and hatred towards rival sects in the edited edition. this group is the one mentioned in the Southern Poverty Law Center Magazine



This link- the Israelites promotes RAPE of a 12 year old girl by FORCE, as being Biblical!!!



This video says the young charismatic man is the God-sent Comforter in the Scriptures- You be the Judge???



Guy who calls down UFO's calls himself a false prophet of Yahweh



A Trailer of a Documentary of One group going against another Group- Called Black Hebrew Cults



Another Hebrew Sect makes poor white woman cry:



White Zionist Jews acting a fool just like their black Hebrew Israelite rivals



Cultural Clown on the Streets- Threatening people on the Streets



Black Israelites and Atheist White people arguing



Black Israelites  putting Black Women in check! un-orthodox, but does it serve a point in what they are saying? you be the judge?