Member of the of United Nations, Civil Society Network & Economic & Social Affairs Division

Edenic-Light Integrative Family Life Care & Humanitarian Institute for Integrative, Pastoral & Natural Medicine®.

Admin Office: 3695F Cascade Rd SW #117, Atlanta Georgia 30331 

Click here for the Apprenticeship & Certification Board of Integrative & Pastoral Medicine Site!!


Dr. Shalomim & Amariy HaLahawi

                                  Federal "CLIA Waived" Laboratory ID No. 11D2003757

Edenic Light Integrative Family Life Care® & The Humanitarian Institute for Integrative, Pastoral & Natural Medicine™ is the official Ministry of Health, Rehabilitation & Integrative Pastoral Medicine Services of the Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad(HYTBY)®.

 HYBY is an Internationally recogzied Jewish Ecclesiastical Order & Jurisdiction & is  Registered with the United Nations Civil Society Organization & UN Global Impact, recognized and protected under International, Federal & State Law... All practices, responsibilities and provisions are under the Jurisdiction and authority of the Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad.

 Click here for Articles of Association

Authorized Charter  of the Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad(Formerly Visions of Dreams PFMJI incorporated in the State of Florida, 1996-1998) for Implementing faith based & clinical scientific evidence based registrations in Integrative Pastoral, Naturopathic & Eastern Medicine professions).

Georgia & Federal UCC Registration #0602010-02423 & UCC-06058-3201 Filed and Recorded at Clerk of Superior Court, Fulton County, Georgia & Florida UCC registration #2006051512,

We legally operate pursuant to Georgia Code Title §43-34-22 Section B (2)

The Legal Definition of a Doctor of Pastoral Medicine Doctor as a Physicien*

*Physicien (en)-(m) n. physicist, natural philosopher, one who studies the laws of nature and properties of matter and energy

A Integrative Pastoral Medicine Doctor, Naturopathic and/or Integrative Family Life Care® practitioner  is a Natural Philosopher who teaches their patients/clients/talmidim how to be wel spiriutally, physically and mentally as a total man in te Eternal Creator according to the Edenic Laws of Life & Science, stay well, or become well, first and foremost, and in the process do no harm. They are Wellness & Natural Medicine Specialists & Teachers, as Doctors are first and foremost Teachers.

All services rendered are through private expressive association and have clergy-client priveledges under Pastoral Counseling and Pastoral Health mandate in accordance to ecclesiastical law.

We are an officially registered NGO with the United Nations Civil Society Network & Social Policy Division & the International Association of Educators for World Peace(Unicef & Unesco)

All natural pharmacies and Dispensaries we are registered with adheres to all FDA, cGMP & HIPAA guidelines for authenticity, potency, finished goods and documentation protocol. Their facilities are audited by independent outside agencies to certify and prove their compliance with cGMP guidelines and quality assurance practices via third party agencies.

 Dr. Shalomim  Y. HaLahawi Integrative Pastoral Healthcare credentials

Diplomat of the College of Eastern Medicine, American Association of Integrative Medicine

Member of the Islamic Medical Association of North America

Doctor of Medicine(Ayurvedic Medicine ) Degree-MD(AM)Indian Board of Alternative Medicines and the Open International University for Complementary Medicines

LT Colonel of the International Blue Cross Corps-US State of Georgia

Diploma Medical Technology -DMLT-Indian Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology

Licensed Integrative Pastoral Medicine Physicien* with a Specialty in Naturopathic & Integrative Medicine I-MD(P) & Board Certified Integrative Naturopathic Physicien*     I-NMD-Integrative Pastoral Medical Association aka Apprenticeship & Certification Board of Integrative & Pastoral Medicine® formerly the Natural Health Therapeutic Ministry Practitioner License  from the ITCC Association of Natural Health, Holistic Counseling and Therapeutic Ministry(Licensed Since January 17th, 1996).

Board Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine(DNM) with over 4000 hours of Medical and Clinical Training Certification(Basic Medical Sciences, Public Health, Natural Medicine & Clinical Skills, Pastoral Skills)

 Doctor of Psychology in Pastoral Counseling Degree,  Trinity Institute

University of Nebraska Medical Center for Continuing Medical Education (CME)- Gynecology & Obstetrics(over 2000 clock hours), Development & Behavioral Counseling, Nutrition, Occupational Medicine, Allergy & Immunology.

Homo-Toxicology Certification -International Academy for Homo-toxicology-Germany

South African and Norwegian Medical Association-Post Graduate Education

SAC Member- Graduate Diploma in Oriental Remedial Therapy(Oriental Medicine) from the Stone-Bridge Associated Colleges(U.K.). 

Post Graduate Diploma Public Health(DPH), Post Graduate Diploma Primary Healthcare(DPHC) and Diploma in Massage Therapy-Pakistani Institute of Modern Studies and Ministry of Labour, Man Power and Overseas Pakistanis, Government of Islamabad, Pakistan

Registered Member of the Alternative Medical Practitioner Register of India(AMPR)

MA in Hebrew Education & Research/ Rabbinical Letters (Rabbinical S'mekha/Ordination) from the Institute of Rabbinical and Hebrew Studies (Jerusalem, Israel).

Registered Chaplain, Chaplain Fellowship Ministries Int'l.

B.A. Pastoral Counseling  Jacksonville Theological Seminary   ( Jax., Fl)

Lakewood College-Certified Family/Divorce and Business Mediation

Member of  the National Association of Certified Mediators


Amariy S. HaLahawi Integrative Pastoral Healthcare credentials-

Bachelors Degree in. Naturopathic Medicine and Yoga Therapy & Bachelors of Naturopathic Physician Assistant-Open International University for Complementary Medicines/Indian Board of Alternative Medicines & Cushite Hebrew Yeshiva OIUEM

Licensed Naturopathic Physician Assistant(Pastoral)-Integrative Pastoral Medical Association

Board Certified Eastern Medicine Physicien Consultant-EMP-C-Apprenticeship & Certification Board of Integrative and Pastoral Medicine

Ambassador and Delegate to the US State of Georgia- International Blue Cross Corps & Dean of the faculty of humanitarian medics.

Nationally Certified Clinical Medical Assistant-National Healthcareer Association

Conflict Resolution Certification-Georgia State University

Certified Nursing Assistant(FL)

Certified Phlebotomist(Georgia)- Atlanta Metro Medical Institute-

Diploma Medical Laboratory Technology-Indian Institute of Medical Technology.

Diploma Natural Health Consultant-Stratford Career Institute

Co-Founder of the Afracan Edenic Tantra and Yoga Society Association


   also Legally known as CHI-Apprenticeship & Certification Board of Integrative & Pastoral Medicine®(ACBIPM),  the CHI-Integrative Pastoral Association(CHI-IPMA, USPTO Trademark), CHI-Hebrew Pastoral Medical Association(CHI-HPMA), Jewish Pastoral Medical Association(JPMA), Jewish Pastoral Medical Association for Integrative Medicine(JPMAIM) or the Association for Pastoral Healthcare & Integrative Medicine(APHIM)is the oldest & Original Pastoral Medical Association of modern times within the Jewish community serving the Diaspora community, founded in January 5th, 1996  and re-organized & registered in 2004 as per Articles of Association Chapter 1 Section Section C1:04(g);  Chapter 2 section C2:14a; C2:18f; Chapter 4 section C4:01b;  Chapter 5 Section C5:03(i) and registered in Federal UCC UCC-06058-3201.

 It is the original authorized Professional Ecclesiastical regulatory Board for Natural Health, Holistic Counseling & Therapeutic Ministries(1996) established by mandate of the Mizrahi Netzarim Rabbinical Council®(click here for more info) for the purposes of regulating  apprenticeship & educational standards & Certifying and/or Licensing Integrative Health, Pastoral Family Medicine & Primary Healthcare(aka Integrative Family Life Care®) & holistic professional practitioners who meet the educational, spiritual and moral qualifications of the Board & Association & adhere to the ideals, rules & moral code as established by the Board & Association Charter according to the Sacred Torah.

  This has been established in good faith. All rights are explicitly reserved, without prejudice.          

Note: CHI  Integrative Pastoral Medicine Association® should not be confused with the Pastoral Medical Association(PMA), a separate Christian based Ecclesiastic Association and jurisdiction. After careful consideration we have chosen to not be affiliated with nor do we endorse PMA.

What is Integrative Pastoral Medicine: Terms and Definitions


National Plan & Provider Numeration System- National Provider Identification (NPI) #-1366778177

 We are a CLIA waived Laboratory-No. 11D2003757 -CLIA stands for “Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments.” This is a group of regulations promulgated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that set clinical laboratory testing standards. CLIA-waived refers to testing devices that are simple in operation and have been cleared by the FDA for use by existing physician office staff.

 Edenic-Light Integrative Family Life Care and  Humanitarian Institute for Integrative, Pastoral & Natural Medicine Clinics™ is a Internationally recognized Non-Profit Mizrahi Hebrew Religious Medical Order & Medical Missions Society and Ministry of Health,  Rehabilitation & Pastoral Medical Services of the Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad(Israelite Torah Covenant Community), which is a  registered Orthodox  Mizrahi(Eastern) Jewish Synagogue, recognized NGO, un-incorporated non-profit Tax Exempt Mizrahi Hebrew Ecclesiastical Order, Religious Society and  International Hebrew association, organized and operated in conformity to International Law, Alma ata USSR, Declaration, 1962 and recognized by the United Nations Peace University constituted under Resolution No. 35/55/5/XII/80 and The Articles of Association of  the Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad, pursuant to The Constitution of the united states of America, 1st amendment and IRS code §508(c)(1)(A)  and IRS publication 557, IRS publication 526 and IRS code § 170(c) (2) (B) and Georgia Code Title §43-34-22.:

Georgia UCC Registration #0602010-02423 Filed and Recorded at Clerk of Superior Court, Fulton County, Georgia & Florida UCC registration #2006051512

Practicing medicine without a license; titles and abbreviations; exceptions :

(a) If any person shall hold himself or herself out to the public as being engaged in the diagnosis or treatment of disease or injuries of human beings, or shall suggest, recommend, or prescribe any form of treatment for the palliation, relief, or cure of any physical or mental ailment of any person, with the intention of receiving therefor, either directly or indirectly, any fee, gift, or compensation whatsoever, or shall maintain an office for the reception, examination, or treatment of diseased or injured human beings, or shall attach the title "M.D.," "Oph.," "D.," "Dop.," "Surgeon," "Doctor," "D.O.," "Doctor of Osteopathy," "Osteopathic Physician," or "Physician," either alone or in connection with other words, or any other word or abbreviation to his or her name indicative that he or she is engaged in the treatment of diseased, defective, or injured human beings, and shall not in any of these cases then possess a valid license to practice medicine under the laws of this state, he or she shall be deemed to be practicing medicine without complying with this article and shall be deemed in violation of this article.

(b) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit:
 (2) The practice of the religious tenets or general beliefs of any church whatsoever;

This organization/association has been established in good faith, pursuant to UCC §1-201(b)(20)&(25), Any other presumptions is hereby rebutted pursuant to UCC §1-206. We explicitly Reserve all of our Rights, without prejudice pursuant to UCC §1-308, §1-201(b)(32) &(34).

A Copy of the Articles of Association can be found at 

All of our services provided are through Private Expressive Association(Dale vs Boy Scouts-530 US 640(2000)) & Pastoral Care.

    Naturopathy is a legalized/legitimate profession in the United States; Federal Legislation that stems from both a 1929 act of congress (Chap. 352 @ 1326, 5.3936, Public No. 831 [also found as 45 St. 1339] dated February 27, 1929 and its clarifying amendments H.R. 12169 of May 5, 1930 & January 28, 1931 and corresponding House Report #2432 of January 30, 1930) which establishes through "congressional intent" that Naturopathy as a branch of the healing arts is placed on the same basis as allopathic medicine, osteopathy and chiropractic and the term Naturopathy is self-definitive to the same extent as are the terms medicine, osteopathy, and chiropractic.  Also that the time honored profession of Naturopathy as established in said Congressional Legislation, stems from codified lex scripta -- The Herbalist Charter 34 & 35 Henry VIII, C.8 (1542) which became a part of of the law of the thirteen Original States and continues in force as a part of the common law today.

    While we provide high standards of Primary Integrative Family Life Care Services(equivalent to Primary Healthcare) and have quality advanced training in both Western and Eastern Medicine, we are not allopathic Doctors/Physicians in any form or fashion, and neither do we administer any poisonous drugs that are regulated by the FDA and/or requires a prescription through a allopathic Pharmacy, nor do we desire to ever obtain such qualifications to do so. If you desire an allopathic doctor, please talk to a licensed Physician in your local area.

Integrative family life care® & Integrative Pastoral Medicine® are registered certification trademark of Edenic-Light Integrative Family Life Care®, a Division of Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad. All Rights Reserved 1996-2010. Information pertaining to our Integrative Pastoral Medicine & Pastoral Counseling Services can be found in our Association Charter Conformed & Executed in 2004.

We operate under and offer what is termed: Naturalpathic(Naturopathic) and Integrative Family Life Care®,  Monastic and/or Integrative Pastoral (Missionary) Medicine:

Click here for official Definition of Integrative Pastoral Medicine:

 Integrative Family Life Care®, Integrative Pastoral Medicine Physicians scope of practice is defined as:

The integrative Pastoral Medical and Integrative Family Life Care® Physicien offers a full range of Torah-Faith Based & Clinical evidence based medical services incorporating the physical, mental and spiritual aspects, and encompassing good health and wellness, primary care, emergency medicine and minor surgery, depending on training, level of credential and in accordance with the legal structure governing medicine in the areas they serve.

Physicien (en)-(m) n. physicist, natural philosopher, one who studies the laws of nature and properties of matter and energy

A Naturopathic, Integrative Family Life Care® and/or Integrative Pastoral Medicine Physicien is a Natural Philosopher who teaches their patients how to be well, stay well, or become well, first and foremost, and in the process do no harm. They are Wellness & Natural Medicine Specialists.

Any fee's associated with any service on this site or any publication are deemed Donations towards our mission & ministry.

We do not prescribe Allopathic Drugs (Rx) that are regulated by the FDA/DEA which requires a Licensed MD to prescribed. We only prescribe Naturally occurring substances that are available through cGMP/FDA registered Homeopathic, Oriental Medicine & Naturopathic Pharmacies.

Edenic Light Integrative Family Life Care® is Registered and Affiliated with the following Homeopathic and Naturopathic Pharmacies and Associations(for licensed Healthcare professionals):

 in compliance with FDA cGMP HIPAA Standards and Regulations."All homeopathic remedies are made in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States, a document which has been published for over 100 years and which is recognized as an "official compendium" by Sections 501(b) and 502(e)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. §§ 351(b) and 352(e)(3) ("FD&C Act")."

Member of the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicines

World Electro-Homeopathic Organization(U.K.), which is affiliated to the Complementary Medical Association(U.K.)

World Institute of Natural Health Sciences

Soluna Laboratorium-Spagyric Homeopathic Pharmacy

Craneherb Pharmacy-Traditional Chinese and Oriental Medicine-

Pekana Homeopathic/BioResource(Germany)

Spectracell Laboratories-Functional Intracellular Analysis etc..

Washington Homeopathic Pharmacy

Professional Health Products-

Allergy Research Group

Complementary Prescription-Vitamin Research Products

Herb Pharm

Heel Homeopathic Pharmacy

 Open International University for Alternative Medicines is Affiliated and approved by:

 Indian Board of Alternative Medicines(Calcutta India), Aug 9, 2005


 The OPEN International University for Complementary Medicine ( Medicina Alternativa)

Which is Established under World Health Organization, Alma ata USSR, Declaration, 1962 and recognized by the United Nations Peace University constituted under Resolution No. 35/55/5/XII/80

       The OPEN International University for Complementary Medicine ( Medicina Alternativa

 is Affilated to:

  • International Association of Educators For World Peace (affiliated with U.N. – ECOSOC, UNICEF & UNESCO)

  • International Union for Health Promotion & Educuation (affiliated to WHO)

  • The International Council for Health Freedom, USA

  • Intercultural Open University, Netherlands

  • The Open International University for Complementary Medicines (Medicina Alternativa), Colombo, Sri Lanka

  • Centre for Frontier Sciences , Temple University , USA

  • East West University of Holistic Health Sciences, USA

  • World Federation of Holistic Life & Medicine, Italy

  • International Research Institute for Natural Medicines, Japan

  • Sohaku-in-Foundation for Oriental Medicine, Brazil

  • International Institution of Traditional Medicines, Malaysia

  • Indiana Institute for Complementary Medicines, Indianapolis, USA

  • Vedic University of America, USA

  • Brazilian Academy of Oriental Science

  • Reflexology Academy of Southern Africa, South Africa

  • Therapeutica Holistica, Mexico

  • Integrity Research Foundation, New Zealand

  • Nizhoni School for Global Consciousness and Light Institute of Galisteo , USA

  • International Institute for Preventive Medicine, Netherland Antilles

  • The Australasian College of Herbal Studies

  • World Association of Integrated Medicines, Netherlands

  • Indian Committee of NGOs for United Nations

  • Anderland Forum for Encounter & Communication, Germany

  • A.S.A.M. University, Rome, Italy

  • Canadian Medical Acupuncture Society, Edmonton, Canada

  • Japanese society of Integrative Medicines, Tokyo, Japan

  • Japanese Association for Alternative, Complementary & Traditional Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

  • Subtle Energy Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan

  • Institute for Holistic Health Care & ,Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

  • The Spiritual Centre of Siam, Thailand

  • Academy of Holistic Health Care Professionals, Japan

  • The National Foundation for Alternative medicines, U.S.A.

  • Australian College of Chi-Reflexology, New South Wales, Australia

  • Bangladesh Unani Ayurvedic Pharmacist Association, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Agita Munda Network

  • International Yoga Federation

  • New World Educational Federation

  • Australian Integrative Medicine Association

      Indian Board of Alternative Medicines is Affiliated with:

AIDS Research Centre, Bangladesh
Ayurveda & Acupuncture Centre, Canada
Alternative Medicines Research Institute, Canada
All Nepal Electro Homoeo Medical Association, Nepal
Association of Reflexologists, U.K.
China Enterprise Education Services, Hong Kong
Chongshin Academy Foundation, South Korea
Comision de Educacion a Distancia, Spain
Centro Africano de Investigation, Spain
Cosmo Cycles Research Centre, Nigeria
Columbus Clinic Foundation, U.S.A.
Chelsea Centre for Counseling & Psychological Research, Sri Lanka
DXN Institute, Malaysia
Eclosion Holding SDN BHD, Malaysia
Forum of Indian NGOs for Co-operation with the UN, India
Face Rejuvenation/Ayurvedic Facelift, U. K.
Health & HealingCentre, Switzerland
Herbal Healers Academy, U.S.A.
International Academy of Natural Sciences & Natural Balances, Europe
International Association of Colours, U.K.
Institute of Healing Studies, U.S.A.
Indonesian Holistic Health Foundation, Indonesia
Luminar International Institute of Oriental Medicines, Nigeria
Mangrove College for Radionics, U.S.A.
Nepal Yoga & Nature Cure Association
National Research Institute For Self Understanding, Canada
Rainbow Pathway Crystal Centre, U.K.
Stonebridge Associated Colleges, U.K.
Sersi University
Sunray Healing Heaven, U.S.A.
The Centre of International Holistic Studies, Canada
The Northern Institute of Massage, U. K.
The Israeli College of Natural Health Science
Traditional Healers’ Organisation, Swaziland
The Centre for Universal Holistic Studies, U.S.A.
Yapp Acupuncture & Therapeutic Centre, Malaysia





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Information on the
Ha' Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad


Consultation fees, purchased herbal supplements and any other donation fees are non-refundable and non-negotiable between the parties. We reserve the right to change and modify our fees and services at anytime for any reason.

Disclaimer: The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  We are not allopathic Doctors/Physicians in any form or fashion, and neither do we administer any poisonous drugs that are regulated by the FDA and/or requires a prescription through a Pharmacy, nor do we desire to ever obtain such qualifications to do so.


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Appt: 678-592-7289/ Fax: 866-357-6267

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