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  • +1 984-700-7129
  • Mon - fri: 7:00am - 6:00pm
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    of our trainees have got a prestigious job
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Who We Are

This course allows students to study one modern language in depth together with Linguistics, the study of language itself. Part of your course will consist of developing your practical language skills to a high level.

  • Training in rigorous analysis
  • Highly developed practical competence
  • Excellent basis for a wide range of careers

1. Apprenticeship- is a system of training a new generation of practitioners of a trade or profession with on-the-job training and often some accompanying study (classroom work, reading & testing). Apprenticeship also enables practitioners to gain a license to practice in a regulated profession.
2. Distant Learning- is a method of studying in which lectures are broadcast or classes are conducted by correspondence or over the Internet, without the student's needing to attend a school or college. Also called distance education.Content for New div Tag Goes Here
3. Direct Entry Distant Learning Apprenticeship- is a form of education that involves theoretical studies, extensive research and discipline while getting hands on practical and/or clinical experience and guidance from a selected licensed /ordained/ experienced Preceptor, Mentor/proctor. Depending on the area of studies, the preceptor must possess the required credentials to give apprenticeship training as per the CHY policies. The Talmid(student) will receive a scheduled syllabus of required studies and exams to be passed in order to advance in those studies. The Preceptor is responsible for passing or failing the Talmid as it relates to comprehension and mastering the technical/practical skills required for student to sit for the final examinations given by the Cushite Hebrew Yeshiva. In addition to distant education studies as per the syllabus and curriculum and the hands on apprenticeship, Talmid may be required to attend Seminars, conferences, meet up groups or enrolll into & take specific courss provided by affiliate academic institutions to further advance their studies in the particular area of focus.Integrative Healthcare Talmidim may have the opportunity to do Clinical Rotations in foreign Clinics and Hospitals or medical missions.
The Programs at the Cushite Hebrew Yeshiva allows students to earn an Certificate, Technical Diploma, Associate, Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate Degree Certification, from Direct Entry Distant learning apprenticeship and readies them to sit for private or national licensing/certification. Traditionally Holistic health students and Rabbinical talmidim learned at the side of an experienced Rabbi, Priest, Master Teacher of the School of prophets, midwife, Guru, Shaman etc, in an apprenticeship.
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“Enroll is very unique in terms of the social academic environment.”

-Joseph R. Spence

“Studying at you guys brought an added value to my professional life. The courses were very interesting and the professors were.”

-Shelly A. Nunez

“Enroll is very unique in terms of the social academic environment.”

-Joseph R. Spence

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