Shalom L’kol! Welcome to the official website of the Diaspora Mizrahi-Ethiopian Jewish Community & Ha’ Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad Inc. We are a Torah-based 501c3 Jewish Community & Organization that promotes & represents the ethnic Mizrahi & Ethiopian Jewish Branch of Judaism & teaches the cultural, spiritual, social & family values of Judaism within this framework., For our people, community and family building is the center of all living. We firmly and faithfully promote the global brotherhood & sisterhood, of all the righteous, of mankind, & building an Edenic Civilization of societies & sustainable communities, villages, businesses, holistic clinics, humanitarian missions & academic Yeshivot of Shalom rooted in the spirit of the ancient Torah & Word of Adonai Yahwah Elah.
We are non-messianic, yet as a modern-day prophetic multi-ethnic/cultural Torah-based International body and society of Communities, Ministries, Institutions, and Organizations, we have worshippers from all branches of Judaism, including Messianics & even supporters from amongst our Muslim brothers and sisters, who all worship together in a warm and welcoming environment where our common bond in the Torah & being the Seeds of Abraham unites us, rather than allowing divisive theological, social & political differences, keep us at odds with each other, as the Rabbi-Cohen teaches us.
Whether Mizrahi(incl Ethiopian), Yemenite, Sephardi, or Ashkenazi Jewish heritage, we welcome all of our brothers & sisters, & are grateful for the common, equally important, bond and contributions each of our ethnic & religious heritages have contributed to the greatness & richness of our Judaic history, culture, and faith system. We are even more grateful for our Moslem/Arabic cousins who have come to join us & unite the seed of Abraham to the glory and honor of Adonai Yahwah Elah(Allah), the same Eternal Creator of both the seed of Isaac and Ishmael and to establish eternal peace throughout the entire Near East.
We teach & live our lives according to Mizrahi & Ethiopian Jewish cultural values, ideology, and faith, the largest culture & ethnic group of Jews both in Israel & the world(55-65%). Spiritually we represent & adhere to the #Essene Jewish branch of ancient Judaism, commonly known today as #EnochicJudaism or Essene-#Netzarim, expressed via our Mizrahi & Ethiopian Jewish cultural traditions. Ethiopian Jews(Beta Yisrael) & Judaism stand as the oldest Indigenous Ethnic Hebrew Culture in the world that still practices 2nd Temple Judaism, as found and taught in the Dead Sea Biblical Scrolls. The Essenes are the authors of our sacred Scriptures which are direct replicated translations of the Dead Sea Biblical Scrolls, Apocryphal scriptures & other sacred writings, and history contained in what is commonly known as the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha writings (considered as our Talmudic traditions) in Western civilization, but of which makes up the Ethiopian Jewish Scriptures, the Oldest translated Hebrew Scriptures in the world, 2nd only to the Dead Sea Biblical Scrolls, which are 1500yrs older than the 1008 standardized Masoretic based Biblia Hebraica texts of which is the underlying text of all modern translations of the scriptures. We also honor & respect the Rabbinical writings & traditions & hold them in high esteem.
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